adventure comic strip
originally drawn by Alex Raymond
. First published January 7, 1934, the strip was inspired by and created to compete with the already established Buck Rogers
adventure strip. Also inspired by these series were comics such as Dash Dixon (1935 to 1939) by H.T. Elmo and Larry Antoinette and Don Dixon and the Hidden Empire (1935 to 1941) by Carl Pfeufer
and Bob Moore.
In Australia, the character and strip were retitled Speed Gordon to avoid a negative connotation of the word "Flash".
Flash, I love you! But we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!
Keeping our word is one of the things that make us better than you.
I'd much rather see you on my side, than scattered into... atoms.
Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here. If you had known anything about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would've hidden from it in terror.
Are your men on the right pills? Maybe you should execute their trainer! [to Klytus, as Flash successfully battles palace guards]
[from the trailer] Pathetic earthlings... who can save you now?
Open fire! All weapons now! Charge the lightning field! I take personal responsibility in the Emperor's name!
We're going to empty your memory as we might empty your pockets... Doctor.
I do not lead traitors to the Imperial presence.
[to Flash] Welcome back from the grave. [Princess Aura] I knew you were up to something, though I'll confess I never thought of necrophilla.