Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle
Flexor digitorum superficialis (flexor digitorum sublimis) is an extrinsic flexor muscle
Muscle is a contractile tissue of animals and is derived from the mesodermal layer of embryonic germ cells. Muscle cells contain contractile filaments that move past each other and change the size of the cell. They are classified as skeletal, cardiac, or smooth muscles. Their function is to...

 of the finger
A finger is a limb of the human body and a type of digit, an organ of manipulation and sensation found in the hands of humans and other primates....

s at the proximal interphalangeal joints.

It is in the anterior compartment of the forearm
Anterior compartment of the forearm
The anterior compartment of the forearm contains the following muscles:* "E/I" refers to "extrinsic" or "intrinsic"....

. It is sometimes considered to be the deepest part of the superficial layer of this compartment, and sometimes considered to be a distinct, "intermediate layer" of this compartment. It is relatively common for the Flexor digitorum superficialis to be missing from the little finger, bilaterally and unilaterally, which can cause problems when diagnosing a little finger injury.

Origin and Insertion

The muscle has two classically described heads - the humeroulnar and radial - and it is between these heads that the median nerve
Median nerve
The median nerve is a nerve in humans and other animals. It is in the upper limb. It is one of the five main nerves originating from the brachial plexus....

 and ulnar artery
Ulnar artery
The ulnar artery is the main blood vessel, with oxygenated blood, of the medial aspect of the forearm. It arises from the brachial artery and terminates in the superficial palmar arch, which joins with the superficial branch of the radial artery...

 pass. The ulnar collateral ligament of elbow joint gives its origin to part of this muscle.

Four long tendon
A tendon is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone and is capable of withstanding tension. Tendons are similar to ligaments and fasciae as they are all made of collagen except that ligaments join one bone to another bone, and fasciae connect muscles to other...

s come off this muscle near the wrist and travel through the carpal tunnel
Carpal tunnel
In the human body, the carpal tunnel or carpal canal is the passageway on the palmar side of the wrist that connects the forearm to the middle compartment of the deep plane of the palm. The tunnel consists of bones and connective tissue...

 formed by the flexor retinaculum
Flexor retinaculum
Flexor retinaculum may be:* Flexor retinaculum of the hand, the retinaculum flexorum manus* Flexor retinaculum of the foot, the retinaculum musculorum flexorum pedis...

. These tendons, along with those of flexor digitorum profundus, are enclosed by a common flexor sheath. The tendons attach to the anterior margins on the bases of the middle phalanges of the four fingers. These tendons have a split (Camper's Chiasm) at the end of them through which the tendons of flexor digitorum profundus pass.


The primary function of flexor digitorum superficialis is flexion of the middle phalanges of the fingers at the proximal interphalangeal joints, however under continued action it also flexes the metacarpophalangeal joints and wrist joint.

To test flexor digitorum superficialis, one finger is flexed at the proximal interphalangeal joint against resistance, while the remaining three fingers are held fully extended (to inactivate flexor digitorum profundus).
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