Fort Halleck
Fort Halleck may refer to a U. S. Army fort in the United States:
  • Fort Halleck (Nevada), 1879-1886. First established as Camp Halleck in 1867, to protect the California Trail
    California Trail
    The California Trail was an emigrant trail of about across the western half of the North American continent from Missouri River towns to what is now the state of California...

     and the construction of the Central Pacific Railroad
    Central Pacific Railroad
    The Central Pacific Railroad is the former name of the railroad network built between California and Utah, USA that formed part of the "First Transcontinental Railroad" in North America. It is now part of the Union Pacific Railroad. Many 19th century national proposals to build a transcontinental...

  • Fort Halleck (Wyoming)
    Fort Halleck (Wyoming)
    Fort Halleck was a military outpost that existed in the 1860s along the Overland Trail and stage route in what is now the U.S state of Wyoming. The fort was established in 1862 to protect emigrant travelers and stages transporting mail between Kansas and Salt Lake City, Utah and named for Major...

    , 1862-1866, established in Idaho Territory
    Idaho Territory
    The Territory of Idaho was an organized incorporated territory of the United States that existed from March 4, 1863, until July 3, 1890, when the final extent of the territory was admitted to the Union as the State of Idaho.-1860s:...

     to protect the Overland Trail
    Overland Trail
    The Overland Trail was a stagecoach and wagon trail in the American West during the 19th century. While portions of the route had been used by explorers and trappers since the 1820s, the Overland Trail was most heavily used in the 1860s as an alternative route to the Oregon, California and Mormon...

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