Fort Team Charlie
Fort Team Charlie is the continuation of the Fire Team Charlie
Fire Team Charlie
Fire Team Charlie is a machinima series created by Fire Team Charlie Productions, part of a group called Xbox Ottawa. Although their first 4 films revolve around unrelated single movie stories , by Episode 5 a plotline and the main characters have been introduced, which for the rest of the series...

 Halo machinima
Machinima is the use of real-time 3D computer graphics rendering engines to create a cinematic production. Most often, video games are used to generate the computer animation...

 series that ended in 2006. Unlike the original series, Fort Team Charlie utilizes the Team Fortress 2 engine instead of Halo engine and also features a larger percentage of traditional 3D animated scenes. The first episode of Fort Team Charlie is appropriately numbered 1.9 to signify that it is a new series, but also that it will be continuing the same plotline of the original ( the original series ended at #18 ).

A trailer to the series can be found on YouTube and teaser content can be viewed on Facebook.

Returning characters

  • Jonathan
  • Gibson
  • Kelly
  • Guy LeBleu
  • Tilo
  • Silent Pete
  • Fleet Admiral Funtz as General Funtz


Dubbed "machinimation" by its creator, Fort Team Charlie is not pure machinima
Machinima is the use of real-time 3D computer graphics rendering engines to create a cinematic production. Most often, video games are used to generate the computer animation...

, as it often uses traditional 3D rendering for whole scenes. CG is used whenever macro animations are needed that cannot be achieved "in-game" e.g. close-up of a character picking up an object or flipping a light switch.


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