Fourth Reich of the Rich
Fourth Reich of the Rich is a conspiracy book by Christian
A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the Canonical gospels and the letters of the New Testament...

 writer Des Griffin
Des Griffin
Des Griffin is an American right-wing writer and system critic. Writing from a firmly Christian standpoint, he is mainly interested in global agendas and especially the topic of the New World Order, as declared by President George HW Bush on March 6, 1991....

 about the New World Order.

The books claims that "International Jews"/Illuminati
The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776...

 are today's "modern day Nazis". It argues that the Holocaust changed the "Jewish psyche" that created a reactionary response becoming worse than Nazi Germany in an international/New World Order conspiracy.

This book has very few elements that deal with the influence of Jews in various forms of government, with his assertion being that Jews are not involved in some kind of plot to control the world. The book does however go into great detail, with great documentation, and photocopies of various sources to verify arguments made in the book. Throughout the novel Mr. Griffin describes the founding of many modern organizations beginning with Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, which began May 1, 1776.

It then weaves a path through the influence of figures such as Albert Pike, who served as a brigadier-general for the confederate army during the Civil War. The book also covers content from such influential authors such as Clinton Roosevelt (author of The Science of Government: Founded on Natural Law), whose ideas pre-dated those of Karl Marx by a few decades and were very influential in the "Social Science of Government," now known as Socialism.
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