Fragas do Eume
The Fragas do Eume are a natural park
Natural park (Spain)
In Spain, a natural park is a natural space protected for its biology, geology, or landscape, with ecological, aesthetic, educational, or scientific value whose preservation merits preferential attention on the part of public administration. The regulation of the activities that may occur there...

 situated in north-west Spain. Fraga is a Galician
Galician language
Galician is a language of the Western Ibero-Romance branch, spoken in Galicia, an autonomous community located in northwestern Spain, where it is co-official with Castilian Spanish, as well as in border zones of the neighbouring territories of Asturias and Castile and León.Modern Galician and...

 word for "natural woodland", and the park is an example of a temperate rainforest in which oak
An oak is a tree or shrub in the genus Quercus , of which about 600 species exist. "Oak" may also appear in the names of species in related genera, notably Lithocarpus...

 (Quercus robur and Quercus pyrenaica) is the climax vegetation. The protected area extends along the valley of the river Eume within the Ferrolterra municipalities of Pontedeume
Pontedeume is a municipality in the province of A Coruña, Galicia, north-western Spain.- Industry :Farming and services are the main economic activities, though from the late 1950s and particularly from the mid 1970s Pontedeume has developed into a coastal resort.- Parishes :Pontedeume is divided...

, Cabanas
Cabanas, Galicia
Cabanas is a municipality in the province of A Coruña in Galicia, north-western Spain.- Economy :The major sectors are tourism , farming, agriculture and services, though tourism is predominantly seasonal concentrating itself predominantly in the summer months....

, A Capela
A Capela, Galicia
A Capela is a municipality in Eume, province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia, north-western Spain.-See also:* The "Fragas" of the River Eume Natural Park...

, Monfero
Monfero is a municipality in the comarca of Eume, province of A Coruña, Galicia, in north-western Spain.- Main sights :* The "Fragas" of the River Eume Natural Park with its typical Atlantic Forest, and unique ecosystem and biodiversity, offers the visitor one of the most beautiful Galician...

, Pontedeume
Pontedeume is a municipality in the province of A Coruña, Galicia, north-western Spain.- Industry :Farming and services are the main economic activities, though from the late 1950s and particularly from the mid 1970s Pontedeume has developed into a coastal resort.- Parishes :Pontedeume is divided...

, and As Pontes de García Rodríguez
As Pontes de García Rodríguez
As Pontes de García Rodríguez is a municipality in the Comarca of Eume, in North-western Spain, in the province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia. It is the largest council in the province.-Economy:...

. Some 500 people reside within the park. The monastery of Saint John of Caaveiro
Saint John of Caaveiro
The Monastery of Saint John of Caaveiro is a Spanish monastery founded in the tenth century by Saint Rudesind. It is situated in Pontedeume, Ferrolterra, Galicia, within the Fragas do Eume Natural park....

 also lies within the park.

The area was declared a natural park (a level of protection lower than national park
National park
A national park is a reserve of natural, semi-natural, or developed land that a sovereign state declares or owns. Although individual nations designate their own national parks differently A national park is a reserve of natural, semi-natural, or developed land that a sovereign state declares or...

) in 1997. It is one of six natural parks in Galicia. The European Union has recognised the park as a Site of Community Importance
Site of Community Importance
A Site of Community Importance is defined in the European Commission Habitats Directive as a site which, in the biogeographical region or regions to which it belongs, contributes significantly to the maintenance or restoration at a favourable conservation status of a natural habitat type or of a...

. There are a number of species of fern
A fern is any one of a group of about 12,000 species of plants belonging to the botanical group known as Pteridophyta. Unlike mosses, they have xylem and phloem . They have stems, leaves, and roots like other vascular plants...

s. Invertebrate species include the Kerry slug
Kerry Slug
The Kerry slug or Kerry spotted slug, scientific name Geomalacus maculosus, is a rare species of medium-sized to large air-breathing land slug...

 and it is an important site for amphibians.

External links

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