Francis Tournefier
Francis Tournefier (born February 28, 1964) is a French
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...


He competed in the 100 kg class (at a bodyweight of 99.15 kg) at the 1988 Summer Olympics
1988 Summer Olympics
The 1988 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XXIV Olympiad, were an all international multi-sport events celebrated from September 17 to October 2, 1988 in Seoul, South Korea. They were the second summer Olympic Games to be held in Asia and the first since the 1964 Summer Olympics...

 in Seoul, ranking fifth with a total of 385 kg.

At the 1990 European Championships he won bronze in the 100 kg category.
He also won bronze in the 100 kg category at the 1991 World Championships
1991 World Weightlifting Championships
The 1991 World Weightlifting Championships were held in Donaueschingen, Germany from September 27 to October 6, 1991.-Men:-Women:-Medal table:Ranking by Big medals...


At the 1992 Summer Olympics
1992 Summer Olympics
The 1992 Summer Olympic Games, officially known as the Games of the XXV Olympiad, were an international multi-sport event celebrated in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, in 1992. The International Olympic Committee voted in 1986 to separate the Summer and Winter Games, which had been held in the same...

 he ranked fourth in the 100 kg category, with a total of 387.5 kg.

Personal best performances

  • Snatch
    Snatch (weightlifting)
    The snatch is one of the two olympic weightlifting events .The essence of the event is to lift a barbell from the platform to locked arms overhead in a smooth continuous movement. The barbell is pulled as high as the lifter can manage at which point the barbell is flipped overhead...

    : 175.0 kg
  • Clean and jerk
    Clean and jerk
    The clean and jerk is one of the two Olympic weightlifting events .The clean portion of the lift refers to the lifter explosively pulling the weight from the floor to a racked position across deltoids and clavicles...

    : 220.0 kg


Francis was also known for his great squatting ability:

Francis has done 2 x 285.0 kg back squat and 1 x 295.0 kg back squat at 99 kg bodyweight (Showed in an ironmind video)

His personal bests are below:
  • Front Squat: 270 kg
  • Back Squat: 330 kg

External links

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