Frankie Thorn
Frankie Thorn is an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 actress best known for her role as "The Nun" opposite Harvey Keitel
Harvey Keitel
Harvey Keitel is an American actor. Some of his most notable starring roles were in Martin Scorsese's Mean Streets and Taxi Driver, Ridley Scott's The Duellists and Thelma and Louise, Ettore Scola's That Night in Varennes, Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, Jane Campion's The...

 in Abel Ferrara
Abel Ferrara
Abel Ferrara is an American film screenwriter and director. He is best known as an independent filmmaker of such films as The Driller Killer , Ms. 45 , King of New York , Bad Lieutenant and The Funeral .-Early life:Ferrara was born in the Bronx of Italian and Irish descent...

's controversial 1992 film
1992 in film
The year 1992 in film involved many significant films. -Top grossing films:-Awards:Academy AwardsGolden Globe AwardsNational Film Awards...

  Bad Lieutenant
Bad Lieutenant
Bad Lieutenant is a 1992 crime-drama film directed by Abel Ferrara and starring Harvey Keitel as the eponymous "bad lieutenant". The screenplay was written by actress-model Zoë Lund. She also played a small role in the film. Lund had been discovered by Ferrara and had starred in his earlier film, Ms...



Year Title Role
1989 Lisa
Lisa (film)
Lisa is a film made in 1989 about a serial killer-stalker who rapes women then kills them.-Plot:Fourteen-year-old Lisa Holland lives with her mother Katherine in Venice Beach, California. Lisa is beginning to show a keen interest in boys but is not allowed to date due to her mother’s strict rule...

1990 The Flash
The Flash (TV series)
The Flash is a 1990 American television series that starred John Wesley Shipp as the superhero, the Flash , and co-starred Amanda Pays. The series was developed from the DC Comics characters by the writing team of Danny Bilson and Paul De Meo, and produced by their company, Pet Fly Productions, in...

Judith, 1 episode
1991 Liquid Dreams
Liquid Dreams
Liquid Dreams is 1991 American erotic thriller starring Candice Daly. Liquid Dreams has some cult film buzz, mainly due to the movie's slight comparisons to the 1983 film Videodrome....

1991 Babe Ruth (television) Lady in hotel
1992 Bad Lieutenant
Bad Lieutenant
Bad Lieutenant is a 1992 crime-drama film directed by Abel Ferrara and starring Harvey Keitel as the eponymous "bad lieutenant". The screenplay was written by actress-model Zoë Lund. She also played a small role in the film. Lund had been discovered by Ferrara and had starred in his earlier film, Ms...

The Nun
1994 Viper Rhonda
1995 Taken Alive Angela Howard
1997 Doublecross on Costa's Island Angela Howard
1998 Mike Hammer, Private Eye
Mike Hammer, Private Eye
Mike Hammer, Private Eye is an American syndicated television program based on the adventures of the fictitious private detective Mike Hammer, created by novelist Mickey Spillane...

Narcissa, 1 episode
1998 Vengeance Unlimited
Vengeance Unlimited
Vengeance Unlimited was a TV series broadcasted during 1998-1999 on ABC which lasted for just one season of sixteen episodes. The show starred Michael Madsen as Mr. Chapel, a mysterious and pragmatic character keen on serving justice to those who have been ignored by the law...

1999 Stigmata
Stigmata (film)
Stigmata is a 1999 supernatural horror film directed by Rupert Wainwright and starring Patricia Arquette as a hairdresser from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who is afflicted with the stigmata after acquiring a rosary formerly owned by a deceased Italian priest who himself suffered from the phenomena...

Donna's customer
2000 Warm Texas Rain Lisa
2000 Welcome to Hollywood
Welcome to Hollywood
Welcome to Hollywood is a mockumentary about a young man trying to make it in Hollywood as an actor. Tony Markes is the young man trying to pursue the means to become an actor. Various attempts to get him noticed and in roles in film and television fail...

Girlfriend at audition #6
2007 He Was a Quiet Man
He Was a Quiet Man
He Was a Quiet Man is a 2007 serious-drama film, written and directed by Frank Cappello. Produced by Jason Hallock and Mike Leahy. The film stars Christian Slater, Elisha Cuthbert, Jamison Jones and William H. Macy.-Plot:...

Jessica Light

External links

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