Frederick Charles Pybus
Frederick Charles Pybus DCL
Doctor of Civil Law
Doctor of Civil Law is a degree offered by some universities, such as the University of Oxford, instead of the more common Doctor of Laws degrees....

, FRCS was an English surgeon
In medicine, a surgeon is a specialist in surgery. Surgery is a broad category of invasive medical treatment that involves the cutting of a body, whether human or animal, for a specific reason such as the removal of diseased tissue or to repair a tear or breakage...

 from Newcastle-on-Tyne, who was at the forefront of research into organ transplantation.


In July 1916, Pybus reported an attempt at allogenic transplantation of pancreatic tissue
The pancreas is a gland organ in the digestive and endocrine system of vertebrates. It is both an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin, as well as a digestive organ, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that assist...

. Despite a mild reduction in glucose excretion in one of two diabetic patients transplanted with fragments of human cadaveric pancreatic tissue., both patients subsequently died.

Pybus concluded that:
...although transplants represented the most rational form of therapy, they would continue to fail as long as science did not understand the principles involved.

He presented his collection of books on the history of medicine to the library of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

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