Free2view is the name of a Free-to-air
Satellite Tv broadcaster in Africa.
Free2View is a free–to–consumer encrypted digital satellite Broadcaster.Free2view is the largest Free to Air satellite Broadcaster in Africa with an estimated population footprint of 850 million people and a known base of 50 million TV households – excluding Nigeria – where there is a further estimated 50 Million TV households.
The demise of the Pay TV operator GTV in Sub Saharan Africa left a dilemma. f2V as the free–to–air element of the box – with its news channel MSNBC – was aware of the disruption and great disadvantage suffered by the people of Africa – in particular East Africa, who after buying a box – and in some instances paying large sums of money in Subscription fees in advance – were now disenfranchised. It was f2V’s determination that this would not happen again. The poor should not always pay.
We have subsequently turned this dilemma into a huge opportunity. With the directors firm belief in free–to–air television, f2V is set about finding a way for the GTV boxes to be reused. With the help of our strategic partner NDS, a method was created.
f2V now owns the technology providing the head end and encryption methodology . We are able to address all 180 000 ex GTV subscribers. The viewer now has the ability with a once–off purchase, in the form of a Switchon voucher , to re–open their old GTV box. Viewers are now able to watch the best of Digital Satellite TV as well as many other community and state broadcast channels we know are important to our audience, in their native tongue, be it English, French, Portuguese, Dutch or Swahili.
The encrypted feed now enables f2V to offer premium digital satellite television for free. We have therefore included content from the BBC, ITV, Freemantle and much, much more…
It was and remains the objective of free2View to provide the best Digital Satellite TV for FREE . No Monthly Bills, No Subscription, No Contract. Just FREE Digital Satellite TV .
Free-to-air describes television and radio services broadcast in clear form, allowing any person with the appropriate receiving equipment to receive the signal and view or listen to the content without requiring a subscription or one-off fee...
Satellite Tv broadcaster in Africa.
First Stint
They made headline in 2007 after Icasa announced awardees of Pay TV licenses. They broadcasted without one and the two organizations continuously clashed. Their service could be picked up by any free to decoder and they mainly carried MSNBCMSNBC
MSNBC is a cable news channel based in the United States available in the US, Germany , South Africa, the Middle East and Canada...
Free2View is a free–to–consumer encrypted digital satellite Broadcaster.Free2view is the largest Free to Air satellite Broadcaster in Africa with an estimated population footprint of 850 million people and a known base of 50 million TV households – excluding Nigeria – where there is a further estimated 50 Million TV households.
The demise of the Pay TV operator GTV in Sub Saharan Africa left a dilemma. f2V as the free–to–air element of the box – with its news channel MSNBC – was aware of the disruption and great disadvantage suffered by the people of Africa – in particular East Africa, who after buying a box – and in some instances paying large sums of money in Subscription fees in advance – were now disenfranchised. It was f2V’s determination that this would not happen again. The poor should not always pay.
We have subsequently turned this dilemma into a huge opportunity. With the directors firm belief in free–to–air television, f2V is set about finding a way for the GTV boxes to be reused. With the help of our strategic partner NDS, a method was created.
f2V now owns the technology providing the head end and encryption methodology . We are able to address all 180 000 ex GTV subscribers. The viewer now has the ability with a once–off purchase, in the form of a Switchon voucher , to re–open their old GTV box. Viewers are now able to watch the best of Digital Satellite TV as well as many other community and state broadcast channels we know are important to our audience, in their native tongue, be it English, French, Portuguese, Dutch or Swahili.
The encrypted feed now enables f2V to offer premium digital satellite television for free. We have therefore included content from the BBC, ITV, Freemantle and much, much more…
It was and remains the objective of free2View to provide the best Digital Satellite TV for FREE . No Monthly Bills, No Subscription, No Contract. Just FREE Digital Satellite TV .