Friedrich Leitner
Friedrich Leitner was a German
The Germans are a Germanic ethnic group native to Central Europe. The English term Germans has referred to the German-speaking population of the Holy Roman Empire since the Late Middle Ages....

An economist is a professional in the social science discipline of economics. The individual may also study, develop, and apply theories and concepts from economics and write about economic policy...


He taught at Humbold University Berlin.

Konrad Mellerowicz studied unter Leitner, then co-worked, and finally succeeded him in 1938.

Literary works

  • Die Selbstkostenberechnung industrieller Betriebe, 1905
  • Bilanztechnik und Bilanzkritik, 1911
  • Privatwirtschaftslehre der Unternehmung, 1915
    • Wirtschaftslehre der Unternehmung, 91930

External links

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