Fry Saddle
Fry Saddle is a narrow ice saddle at the head of Fry Glacier
Fry Glacier
Fry Glacier is a glacier draining the slopes at the northeast corner of the Convoy Range and flowing along the south end of the Kirkwood Range into Tripp Bay, Victoria Land. First charted by the British Antarctic Expedition and named for A.M. Fry, a contributor to the expedition....

, about 4 miles west-southwest of Mount Douglas
Mount Douglas (Antarctica)
Mount Douglas is a striking pyramidal peak, 1,750 m, near the head of Fry Glacier, on the divide between the Fry and Mawson Glaciers. The New Zealand Northern Survey Party of the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition established a survey station on its summit in December 1957. Named for Murray...

 in Victoria Land
Victoria Land
Victoria Land is a region of Antarctica bounded on the east by the Ross Ice Shelf and the Ross Sea and on the west by Oates Land and Wilkes Land. It was discovered by Captain James Clark Ross in January 1841 and named after the UK's Queen Victoria...

. Discovered in 1957 by the New Zealand Northern Survey Party of the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition
Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition
The 1955–58 Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition was a Commonwealth-sponsored expedition that successfully completed the first overland crossing of Antarctica, via the South Pole...

(1956–58) and named by them in association with Fry Glacier.
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