Fundamental normality test
In complex analysis
Complex analysis
Complex analysis, traditionally known as the theory of functions of a complex variable, is the branch of mathematical analysis that investigates functions of complex numbers. It is useful in many branches of mathematics, including number theory and applied mathematics; as well as in physics,...

, a mathematical discipline, the fundamental normality test gives sufficient conditions to test the normality of a family of analytic functions.

Statement of theorem

Let be a family of analytic functions defined on a domain . If there are two fixed complex numbers a and b that are omitted from the range of every ƒ ∈ , then is a normal family
Normal family
In mathematics, with special application to complex analysis, a normal family is a pre-compact family of continuous functions. Informally, this means that the functions in the family are not exceedingly numerous or widely spread out; rather, they stick together in a relatively "compact" manner...

 on .

The proof relies on properties of the elliptic modular function and can be found here:
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