Galileo Mirach 26

The Galileo Mirach 26 is a reconnaissance UAV developed in Italy during the 1990s, based on the Mirach 20 target drone. The initial work on the design was carried out by Meteor CAE before this company was absorbed by Galileo Avionica.

The Mirach 26 is of typical twin-boom pusher
Pusher configuration
In a craft with a pusher configuration the propeller are mounted behind their respective engine. According to Bill Gunston, a "pusher propeller" is one mounted behind engine so that drive shaft is in compression...

-prop battlefield surveillance UAV configuration. It is very similar to the older Mirach 20 in appearance but slightly bigger, the most visible difference being that the Mirach 26 has antenna disks on the top of the tailfins. It is powered by a 20 kW (26 hp) Sachs piston engine.


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