Garba Yakubu Lado
Garba Yakubu Lado Danmarke is a Nigeria
Nigeria , officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic comprising 36 states and its Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The country is located in West Africa and shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in...

n businessman who became a Member of the House of Representatives (2003–2007) and was elected a Federal Senator in April 2007 for Katsina South constituency of Katsina State
Katsina State
Katsina State is a state in northern Nigeria. Its capital is Katsina, and its governor is Ibrahim Shema, a member of the People's Democratic Party...

 as a member of the People's Democratic Party
People's Democratic Party (Nigeria)
The People's Democratic Party is a political party in Nigeria. Its policies generally lie towards the right wing of the political spectrum. It has won every single Presidential elections since 1999, namely: 1999, 2003, 2007, and 2011, and is the dominant party in the Fourth Republic.-History:In...



Garba Yakubu Lado was born in 1961. He obtained an advanced Diploma in Management & Finance from Kaduna
Kaduna is the state capital of Kaduna State in north-central Nigeria. The city, located on the Kaduna River, is a trade center and a major transportation hub for the surrounding agricultural areas with its rail and road junction. The population of Kaduna is at 760,084 as of the 2006 Nigerian census...

 Polytechnic. He was a Chairman Local Government Council from 1999–2002, and a Member of the House of Representative (2003–2007).

Senate career

Garba Yakubu Lado was elected Senator in April 2007 for Katsina South as a member of the People's Democratic Party
People's Democratic Party (Nigeria)
The People's Democratic Party is a political party in Nigeria. Its policies generally lie towards the right wing of the political spectrum. It has won every single Presidential elections since 1999, namely: 1999, 2003, 2007, and 2011, and is the dominant party in the Fourth Republic.-History:In...

 (PDP). He was appointed to committees on Water Resources, Sports and Land Transport.

As chairman of the Senate Committee on Land Transport, in October 2008 Lado said the Ministry had not briefed him on a decision to temporarily suspend a 8.3 billion dollar railway modernization project, which had been awarded in 2006 to the Chinese construction firm China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) during the administration of President Olusegun Obasanjo.
In November 2009, Yakubu Lado said the Nigerian Railway Corporation Establishment (amendment) bill would soon be passed into law, allowing private sector participation in the rail sector.

In May 2009, Yakubu Lado and Governor Ibrahim Shema were competing for influence in Katsina State. At a PDP convention in Abuja, there was a scuffle between supporters of the two men. Shortly after, the PDP zonal leadership said Lado had been suspended from the party. However, the PDP state working committee supported Lado and nullified the suspension.
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