Gardenia (Kyuss song)
"Gardenia" is a song by Kyuss
Kyuss is a rock band, originally from Palm Desert, California. After forming in the late 1980s and releasing an EP under the name Sons of Kyuss in 1990, the band shortened its name to Kyuss. Over the next five years the band released four full-length albums, and one last split EP in 1997 with...

 first released on their 1994 album Welcome to Sky Valley
Welcome to Sky Valley
Welcome to Sky Valley is the third studio album by American stoner rock/metal band Kyuss, originally released on June 28, 1994.-Album information:...

. It was written by the band's drummer, Brant Bjork
Brant Bjork
Brant Bjork is an American musician from Palm Desert, California, who is a drummer, producer, guitarist and one of the more notable figures in the stoner rock and Palm Desert scenes.-Early career and Kyuss:...



Year Publication Country Accolade Rank
2004 Kerrang!
Kerrang! is a UK-based magazine devoted to rock music published by Bauer Media Group. It was first published on June 6, 1981 as a one-off supplement in the Sounds newspaper...

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

"666 Songs You Must Own (Heavy Metal)" *
"*" denotes an unordered list.


  1. "Gardenia" - 6:53
  2. "Un Sandpiper" - 8:16
  3. "Conan Troutman" (Live at the Marquee Club[A]) - 2:18


  • John Garcia
    John Garcia (singer)
    John Garcia is a vocalist who has been a member of Kyuss, Slo Burn, Unida and Hermano. His vocals have become synonymous with modern stoner rock and the desert rock sound.-Kyuss:...

     - Vocals
  • Josh Homme - Guitar
  • Scott Reeder - Bass
  • Brant Bjork
    Brant Bjork
    Brant Bjork is an American musician from Palm Desert, California, who is a drummer, producer, guitarist and one of the more notable figures in the stoner rock and Palm Desert scenes.-Early career and Kyuss:...

     - Drums
  • Chris Goss
    Chris Goss (U.S.)
    Christopher Ryan Goss, born August 17, 1958, is an American record producer and musician.-Selected discography:Throughout his career Goss has worked with a wide range of musicians in various genres.* 1988 - Masters of Reality by Masters of Reality...

     - Producer
  • Joe Barresi
    Joe Barresi
    Joe Barresi is an American record engineer and producer who has worked with bands such as Kyuss, The Melvins, Tool, Queens of the Stone Age, Coheed and Cambria, Tomahawk, L7, The Jesus Lizard, Parkway Drive and Bad Religion.-Biography:...

     - Engineering, Mixing
  • Chris Goss
    Chris Goss
    Christopher Ryan Goss, born August 17, 1958, is an American record producer and musician.-Selected discography:Throughout his career Goss has worked with a wide range of musicians in various genres.* 1988 - Masters of Reality by Masters of Reality...

    - Spoken intro on 'Un Sandpiper'.
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