Gay Parent
Gay Parent is a North American bi-monthly lifestyle and news publication which targets the gay and lesbian parenting community. The magazine publishes articles on international and domestic adoption, foster care, donor insemination and surrogacy.

The first issue was published in November 1998. That same year in September the magazine launched a website The magazine has featured State Senator Jarrett Barrios
Jarrett Barrios
Jarrett Tomás Barrios is a politician, activist, and executive, currently serving as the chief executive of the American Red Cross of Eastern Massachusetts. He was a member of both the Massachusetts House of Representatives and the Massachusetts Senate and became the first Latino and first openly...

; writer and performer Susie Bright
Susie Bright
Susannah "Susie" Bright is an American writer, speaker, teacher, audio-show host, and performer, all on the subject of sexuality....

 and sex advice columnist and author Dan Savage
Dan Savage
Daniel Keenan "Dan" Savage is an American author, media pundit, journalist and newspaper editor. Savage writes the internationally syndicated relationship and sex advice column Savage Love. Its tone is frank in its discussion of sexuality, often humorous, and hostile to social conservatives, as in...

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