GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen
The GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V. (The Federal association of German housing and real estate enterprise registered associations) is a technical and a syndicate of the housing co-operatives
in Germany. Its members are again federations (mostly regional organizations): As “federation of the federations” the GdW is the central association of the German housing industry.
The 14 member federations of the GdW are:
Housing cooperative
A housing cooperative is a legal entity—usually a corporation—that owns real estate, consisting of one or more residential buildings. Each shareholder in the legal entity is granted the right to occupy one housing unit, sometimes subject to an occupancy agreement, which is similar to a lease. ...
in Germany. Its members are again federations (mostly regional organizations): As “federation of the federations” the GdW is the central association of the German housing industry.
Member Federations
Those altogether 14 member federations of the GdW have approx. 3,200 housing enterprises as members. They represent together an existence of approx. 6.4 million dwellings, correspond to approximately 17% of the entire and/or 30% of the rental housing stock in Germany.The 14 member federations of the GdW are:
- vbw Verband baden-württembergischer Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V.
- VdW Bayern Verband bayerischer Wohnungsunternehmen e.V.
- VdW südwest Verband der Südwestdeutschen Wohnungswirtschaft e.V.
- VdW Verband der Wohnungswirtschaft Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
- VdWg Verband der Wohnungsgenossenschaften Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
- Verband Berlin-Brandenburgischer Wohnungsunternehmen e.V. (BBU)
- Verband der Wohnungswirtschaft in Niedersachsen und Bremen e.V.
- Verband der Wohnungswirtschaft Rheinland Westfalen e. V.
- Verband Sächsischer Wohnungsgenossenschaften e.V. (VSWG)
- Verband Sächsischer Wohnungsunternehmen e.V. (VSWU)
- VNW Verband norddeutscher Wohnungsunternehmen e.V.
- VTW Verband Thüringer Wohnungswirtschaft e.V.
- PTW Prüfungsverband Thüringer Wohnungsunternehmen e.V.
- Genossenschaftsverband Frankfurt e.V. Hessen - Rheinland-Pfalz - Saarland - Thüringen
Housing Enterprises
The housing enterprises cared for over the regional organizations of the GdW can be divided into the following sections:- Housing cooperatives
- Local housing companies
- Public housing companies of the federation and the countries
- Housing companies of the private sector
- Church housing enterprises
- Other housing enterprises