Gdje Ste Nocas Prijatelji Stari
Gdje ste noćas prijatelji stari is an album by Croatian singer Mate Bulić
Mate Bulic
Mate Bulić is a Bosnian Croat pop/folk singer.Many of his songs are influenced by the region of Herzegovina. Bulić finished his schooling in Čitluk and at Mostar, where he graduated in electrical engineering...


Track listing

  1. "Gdje ste noćas prijatelji stari"
  2. "Ne spremaj mi majko svate"
  3. "Tvoje sam se dušo napio"
  4. "Jednom ćeš i ti plakati"
  5. "Opet cvatu jorgovani"
  6. "Koja gora Ivo"
  7. "Srebro moje srebreno"
  8. "Ako se ikad na nebu sretnemo"
  9. "Bilo jednom sretnih dvoje"
  10. "S one strane jajca"
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