Genseiryu Karate-do International Federation
The Genseiryū Karate-do International Federation (GKIF) (国際玄制流空手道連盟), Butokukai Branch (武徳会支部) was established in 1959 by Kunihiko Tosa and junior co-worker Yohimitsu Furuya who both were part of the first dojo ever established by Seiken Shukumine at the Tachikawa Self Defense Forces.

First Meeting

Around 1950, Kunihiko Tosa joined the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. During the years of the JSDF, Kunihiko Tosa met the founder of Genseiryū
is a karate style with roots in Shuri-te, one of the three original karate styles of Okinawa Japan. It was developed by Seiken Shukumine who combined classic techniques with his own innovations thus developing the special characteristics of Genseiryū. Shukumine had two known teachers, Sadoyama and...

, Seiken Shukumine, for the first time.

"There was a sports day at the JSDF. In the competition of high jumping, a man jumped over the bar after taking just two steps back. He landed with in a cat's stance (Neko-ashi-dachi). The person was Seiken Shukumine, who at that time was an officer of the storage management section. A few days later, Kunihiko Tosa met Shukumine again and asked him if he was doing karate
is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Islands in what is now Okinawa, Japan. It was developed from indigenous fighting methods called and Chinese kenpō. Karate is a striking art using punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes, and open-handed techniques such as knife-hands. Grappling, locks,...

. Shukumine said nothing but took Kunihiko Tosa to the back of a storage. Suddenly Seiken Shukumine jumped over Kunihiko Tosa's head just like in that high jump. When Kunihiko Tosa looked back at Seiken Shukumine, he faced a finger strike (Nuki-te) to his throat. Kunihiko Tosa could not help but ask Seiken Shukumine on the spot to instruct him in karate. At that time Seiken Shukumine had not yet named his style Genseiryū. There was not a well organized dojo, but only a small group of people who recognized Seiken Shukumine's incredibly talented techniques. Seiken Shukumine and his companions created Genseiryū's original katas in those days. Needless to say, that Kunihiko Tosa was one of the participating members." -Kunihiko Tosa


Seiken Shukumine, the founder of Genseiryū accepted his first student, Kunihiko Tosa, in 1952. Seiken Shukumine and Kunihiko Tosa among others worked together on establishing the Genseiryū organization. Seiken Shukumine switched to Taidō
Taidō is a Japanese martial art created in 1965 by Seiken Shukumine . The word taidō means "way of the body." Taidō has its roots in traditional Okinawan Karate...

 in 1962, but Kunihiko Tosa continued promoting Genseiryū in Japan as well as internationally.

The Ōizumi Gakuen, Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...

 honbu dojo
A is a Japanese term which literally means "place of the way". Initially, dōjōs were adjunct to temples. The term can refer to a formal training place for any of the Japanese do arts but typically it is considered the formal gathering place for students of any Japanese martial arts style to...

(supreme headquarters) was established in 1959 by Kunihiko Tosa. This dojo was named Butokukai and became the honbu dojo of the Genseiryū Karate-do International Federation that same year. In 1965 an additional dojo was built in Asaka
Asaka, Saitama
is a city in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. It was named in 1932 after Prince Asaka who was an honorary chairman of the Tokyo Golf Club, which relocated to the area at that time. Asaka town became a city on March 15, 1967....

, Saitama Prefecture
Saitama Prefecture
is a prefecture of Japan located in the Kantō region of the island of Honshu. The capital is the city of Saitama.This prefecture is part of the Greater Tokyo Area, and most of Saitama's cities can be described as suburbs of Tokyo, to which a large amount of residents commute each day.- History...

. Although the Ōizumi Gakuen, Tokyo dojo still exists today, the supreme headquarters was moved from Ōizumi Gakuen, Tokyo to the new Asaka building in 1965.

The Genseiryū organisation founded by Seiken Shukumine in 1953 was dissolved in late 1961 or early 1962. This is also partly the reason for Kunihiko Tosa to establish the new headquarters of the GKIF in Asaka
-Cities:* Asaka, Saitama* Asaka, Uzbekistan* Asaka, Morocco, formerly home to a large Jewish community; see Judeo-Berber languages-People:* Asaka-no-miya ōke , the eighth oldest branch of the Japanese Imperial Family created from branches of the Fushimi-no-miya house.* Prince Asaka, a member of...

 (Japan) in 1965. This building is the official headquarters and honbu dojo of the GKIF.

The Genseiryū Karate-do International Federation has about 150 dojos worldwide, but most of them are in Japan. Kunihiko Tosa is the Saiko-Shihan (grand master) and president of the organization. Kunihiko Tosa was awarded the 9th dan
Dan (rank)
The ranking system is a Japanese mark of level, which is used in modern fine arts and martial arts. Originally invented in a Go school in the Edo period, this system was applied to martial arts by Kanō Jigorō, the founder of judo and later introduced to other East Asia countries.In the modern...

 by the GKIF, while the Japan Karatedo Federation (JKF) recognizes the 8th dan.

Genseiryū Karate-do Kyōhan

Kunihiko Tosa wrote and published a book on Genseiryū in 1984. The book is titled: 玄制流空手道教範2 - 型編 ("Genseiryū Karatedō Kyōhan 2 - kata hen" or: "The teachings of Genseiryu Karatedo 2 - kata collection") and contains a preface by Seiken Shukumine (1925–2001). The book contains pictures and detailed descriptions of the nine official advanced kata of Genseiryū (a total of 23 kata are taught and practiced in Genseiryū as part of the official curriculum). The versions of the kata in this book are the versions officially recognized in Japan by the Japan Karate-do Federation (JKF).

Volume 2

The author, Kunihiko Tosa, initially planned a 2 volume series, one containing the basics of Genseiryū and the other containing the advanced kata. Due to the costs of issuing two volumes at that time (early 1980s), Kunihiko Tosa decided to first issue the sequel considering, that a book containing the advanced kata was much more needed than a book about the basics. Kunihiko Tosa is planning to publish the first volume at a later date, thus completing the Genseiryū volumes 1 and 2.


The GKIF include the following in its curriculum divided into two sections, one for juniors and one for seniors.
  • Shiho Tsuki, Shiho Tsuki Keri, Shiho Nuki and Happo Nuki.

Kihon Kata

  • Taikyoku, Heian Shodan, Heian Nidan, Heian Sandan, Heian Yondan and Heian Godan.

Tanren Kata

  • Naihanchi, Wankan, Bassai, Bassai Sho, Sansai, Rohai, Koshokun Dai, Koshokun Sho and Chinto.

Shitei Kata

As officially defined by the Japan Karate-do Federation.
  • Jion, Kanku Dai, Bassai Dai, Seienchin.
  • Nipaipo, Kanku Sho and Enpi (these are not part of the curriculum but taught for tournaments only).

Kobudo kata

  • Bo
    -People:*Bo , name origin, plus people with the name*Bo , name origin, plus people with the surname**Bo , Chinese family names*Bo people , extinct minority population in Southern China famous for hanging coffins...

     Jutsu Kihon Kata, Bo Jutsu Kumite Kata, Nunchaku
    is a traditional Okinawan weapon consisting of two sticks connected at their ends with a short chain or rope.-Etymology:The Japanese word nunchaku is the Kun'yomi reading of the Kanji term for a traditional Chinese two section staff....

    Kihon Kata and Nunchaku Kumite Kata.

Worldwide Headquarters

  • GKIF World Headquarters, Japan (headed by Soke & Saiko-Shihan Kunihiko Tosa)
  • Brazil & South America (headed by Mr. Antonio de Souza Lima)
  • Dominica (headed by Mr. Mamoru Hidaka)
  • Spain (headed by Mr. Justino Aguilera)
  • Denmark, Europe Headquarters (headed by Mr. Peter Lee)
  • Australia (headed by Mr. Mauro Sagginelli)
  • Sri Lanka (headed by Mr. Anura A. Kathihriarachshi)
  • India (headed by Mr. Sandeep M.Gade)
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