George Krstic
George Krstic is an award-winning American director, screenwriter and producer known for his work in the science fiction, comic book and animation genres. Story Editor on the Emmy-Nominated Downtown
Downtown (TV series)
Downtown was an animated series on MTV on urban life, based on interviews with real people. The show follows a diverse and multiracial cast who live in New York City, and presents their everyday lives through quirky, humorous, and imaginative perspectives from the characters...

and Co-Creator of Megas XLR
Megas XLR
Megas XLR is an American animated television series that aired on the Toonami block on Cartoon Network and is produced by Cartoon Network Studios. It was created by Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic...

, Krstic is currently serving as a writer on George Lucas' new television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV series)
-Production:At April 2005's Star Wars Celebration III, Lucas stated that "we are working on a 3-D continuation of the pilot series that was on the Cartoon Network; we probably won't start that project for another year." In July 2005, pre-production had begun on the series, according to Steve...

as well as the recently announced Gonzo production of Gonin - The Five Killers, along with Kingdom Come
Kingdom Come (comic book)
Kingdom Come is a four-issue comic book mini-series published in 1996 by DC Comics. It was written by Alex Ross and Mark Waid and painted in gouache by Ross, who also developed the concept from an original idea...

scribe Mark Waid
Mark Waid
Mark Waid is an American comic book writer. He is well known for his eight-year run as writer of the DC Comics' title The Flash, as well as his scripting of the limited series Kingdom Come and Superman: Birthright, and his work on Marvel Comics' Captain America...

 and Afro Samurai
Afro Samurai
, also written AFRO SAMURAI, is a Japanese seinen dōjinshi manga series written and illustrated by manga artist Takashi Okazaki. It was originally serialized irregularly in the avant-garde dōjinshi manga magazine Nou Nou Hau from September 1999 to May 2000...

producer Eric Calderon.

Most recently, Krstic has teamed with Japanese horror director Ryuhei Kitamura
Ryuhei Kitamura
-External links:*...

Versus (film)
is a 2000 Japanese action/horror film directed by Ryuhei Kitamura.-Synopsis:After escaping from police custody, Prisoner KSC2-303 and a fellow escapee join with a group of mobsters in a forest that is one of the 666 portals that act as a connection between this world and the next, called "The...

, Azumi
is a Japanese manga series created by Yū Koyama in 1994. The manga was originally published by Shogakukan and serialized in Big Comic Superior, and was later adapted to two feature films starring Aya Ueto, a video game and a stage play. Azumi received an Excellence Prize at the 1997 Japan Media...

and Midnight Meat Train) on a Versus reboot.


  • Grand Prize, Golden Eagle - CINE Film Festival
    CINE is a consortium formulated to depict American life and thought realistically for a global audience. CINE recognizes and fosters the highest quality of non-theatrical film and video production through its semi-annual film competitions....

  • Eagle - CINE Film Festival
    CINE is a consortium formulated to depict American life and thought realistically for a global audience. CINE recognizes and fosters the highest quality of non-theatrical film and video production through its semi-annual film competitions....

  • First Place - Moomba International Film Festival
  • Silver Seal - Manchester International Film Festival
  • Three Stars - Canadian International Annual Film & Video Festival
  • Finalist - Worldfest Charleston International Film Festival
  • Finalist - New York International Non-Broadcast Festival
  • Special Mention - Cork International Youth Film & Video Festival
  • Special Mention - BRNO-16 International Film Festival
  • Honorable Mention - American International Film & Video Festival
  • Honorable Mention - Ebensee International Film Festival
  • Honorable Mention - International Juvenale Festival


  • Primetime Emmy Award
    Primetime Emmy Award
    The Primetime Emmy Awards are awards presented by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences in recognition of excellence in American primetime television programming...

     for MTV Downtown
    Downtown (TV series)
    Downtown was an animated series on MTV on urban life, based on interviews with real people. The show follows a diverse and multiracial cast who live in New York City, and presents their everyday lives through quirky, humorous, and imaginative perspectives from the characters...

  • Saturn Award
    Saturn Award
    The Saturn Award is an award presented annually by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films to honor the top works in science fiction, fantasy, and horror in film, television, and home video. The Saturn Awards were devised by Dr. Donald A. Reed in 1972, who felt that films within...

     for Star Wars: The Clone Wars
    Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV series)
    -Production:At April 2005's Star Wars Celebration III, Lucas stated that "we are working on a 3-D continuation of the pilot series that was on the Cartoon Network; we probably won't start that project for another year." In July 2005, pre-production had begun on the series, according to Steve...



  • The Last Actor (1994)
  • Lowbrow (2003)
  • Megas XLR
    Megas XLR
    Megas XLR is an American animated television series that aired on the Toonami block on Cartoon Network and is produced by Cartoon Network Studios. It was created by Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic...

  • Dark Vault (In Development)


  • The Last Actor (1994)
  • Lowbrow (2003)
  • Megas XLR
    Megas XLR
    Megas XLR is an American animated television series that aired on the Toonami block on Cartoon Network and is produced by Cartoon Network Studios. It was created by Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic...

  • Orion (In Development)
  • Dark Vault (In Development)


  • The Last Actor (1994)
  • MTV Downtown
    Downtown (TV series)
    Downtown was an animated series on MTV on urban life, based on interviews with real people. The show follows a diverse and multiracial cast who live in New York City, and presents their everyday lives through quirky, humorous, and imaginative perspectives from the characters...

  • Lowbrow (2003)
  • Megas XLR
    Megas XLR
    Megas XLR is an American animated television series that aired on the Toonami block on Cartoon Network and is produced by Cartoon Network Studios. It was created by Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic...

    (2004) - (2005)
  • Cartoon Network Universe: Fusion Fall (2007) - (2009)
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars
    Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV series)
    -Production:At April 2005's Star Wars Celebration III, Lucas stated that "we are working on a 3-D continuation of the pilot series that was on the Cartoon Network; we probably won't start that project for another year." In July 2005, pre-production had begun on the series, according to Steve...

    (2008) - (2010)
  • Motorcity (2012)
  • Orion (In Development)
  • Dark Vault (In Development)
  • Gonin - The Five Killers (In Development)
  • Versus (a.k.a. "Versus 2," "The American Versus") (In Development)

Story Editor

  • MTV Downtown (1999)
  • Megas XLR
    Megas XLR
    Megas XLR is an American animated television series that aired on the Toonami block on Cartoon Network and is produced by Cartoon Network Studios. It was created by Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic...

  • Gonin - The Five Killers (In Development)


  • Axcess Magazine (Axcess Publishing, 1995–1997)
  • Jam Packed Action #1 (DC Comics, 2005)
  • Action Pack #1 (DC Comics, July 2006)
  • Action Pack #4 (DC Comics, October 2006)
  • Action Pack #5 (DC Comics, November 2006)
  • Action Pack #9 (DC Comics, March 2007)
  • Action Pack #11 (DC Comics, May 2007)
  • Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall
    Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall
    Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall is a massively multiplayer online game developed by Cartoon Network and Grigon Entertainment. FusionFall uses the Unity engine as its client technology basis....

    Worlds Collide (CN Comics, July 2007)

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.