George Stiff
George Stiff was an English engraver and newspaper proprietor.

Stiff worked as foreman of the engravers in the Illustrated London News
Illustrated London News
The Illustrated London News was the world's first illustrated weekly newspaper; the first issue appeared on Saturday 14 May 1842. It was published weekly until 1971 and then increasingly less frequently until publication ceased in 2003.-History:...

before becoming a newspaper proprietor himself in the 1840s. A paper called The Illustrated Weekly Times failed after a few weeks, but The London Journal
The London Journal
The London Journal; and Weekly Record of Literature, Science and Art was a British penny fiction weekly, one of the best-selling magazines of the nineteenth century....

(started 1845) was a huge success as a penny fiction weekly. By 1847 Stiff was able to begin the Weekly Times: this "would eventually become one of the four high-circulation threepenny Sunday papers which dominated the mid-century middle-market for news, with Reynolds's [Weekly] Newspaper (1850-1923), Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
-Founding:The paper was launched by Edward Lloyd in 1842 as Lloyd's Illustrated London Newspaper, following the success of his Lloyd's Penny Weekly Miscellany. The new paper was intended as a rival for the Illustrated London News...

(1842-1918), and the News of the World
News of the World
The News of the World was a national red top newspaper published in the United Kingdom from 1843 to 2011. It was at one time the biggest selling English language newspaper in the world, and at closure still had one of the highest English language circulations...

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