Georges Legrain
Georges Legrain was a French
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...



He was involved in the excavations in Aswan
Aswan , formerly spelled Assuan, is a city in the south of Egypt, the capital of the Aswan Governorate.It stands on the east bank of the Nile at the first cataract and is a busy market and tourist centre...

. He spent many years with his research in the Temple of Karnak
The Karnak Temple Complex—usually called Karnak—comprises a vast mix of decayed temples, chapels, pylons, and other buildings, notably the Great Temple of Amun and a massive structure begun by Pharaoh Ramses II . Sacred Lake is part of the site as well. It is located near Luxor, some...

. Since 1907 he was a main supervisor in Luxor.


  • Jacques de Morgan; Urbain Bouriant; Georges Legrain; Gustave Jéquier; A. Barsanti, Catalogue monuments et inscriptions de l'Egypte antique, 3 volumes (De la frontière de Nubie à Kom Ombos, Kom Ombos), Wien : Wood-live, to 1894-1909.
  • Morgan, Jacques de ; Legrain, Georges, Fouilles à Dahchour, 2 volumes, Wien : Wood-live, 1895, 1903.
  • Legrain, Georges, L'aile north you pylône d'Aménophis III A Karnak, Paris : Leroux, 1902.
  • Legrain, Georges, Statues et statuettes de rois et de particuliers, 3 volumes, Le Caire : Imprimerie de l'Inst. Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 1906-1925, (Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes Musée de Caire).
  • Friedrich Preisigke
    Friedrich Preisigke
    Friederich Preisigke was a German Egyptologist and papyrologist.-Life:Born in Dessau, he attended the Cathedral gymnasium at Brandenburg an der Havel, later became a clerk in the German Post Office and in 1897 he was appointed director of the telegraph lines in Berlin...

    , Ägyptische und griechische Inschriften und Graffiti aus den Steinbrüchen des Gebel Silsile (Oberägypten) : nach den Zeichnungen von Georges Legrain (Egyptian and Greek inscriptions and graffiti from the quarries of the Gebel Silsile (Upper Egypt
    Upper Egypt
    Upper Egypt is the strip of land, on both sides of the Nile valley, that extends from the cataract boundaries of modern-day Aswan north to the area between El-Ayait and Zawyet Dahshur . The northern section of Upper Egypt, between El-Ayait and Sohag is sometimes known as Middle Egypt...

    ) : after the designs of Georges Legrain
    ), Strassburg : Truebner, 1915.
  • Legrain, Georges, Les Temples de Karnak, Bruxelles : Vromant, 1929.
  • Legrain, Georges, Une Famille copte de strike Haute-Egypte, Brussels, 1945.
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