Gerolamo Olgiati
Gerolamo Olgiati was a government official in Milan
Milan is the second-largest city in Italy and the capital city of the region of Lombardy and of the province of Milan. The city proper has a population of about 1.3 million, while its urban area, roughly coinciding with its administrative province and the bordering Province of Monza and Brianza ,...

 and one of the assassins of Galeazzo Maria Sforza
Galeazzo Maria Sforza
Galeazzo Maria Sforza was Duke of Milan from 1466 until his death. He was famous for being lustful, cruel and tyrannical....

, the Duke of Milan, along with Giovanni Andrea Lampugnani
Giovanni Andrea Lampugnani
Giovanni Andrea Lampugnani was a member of the Milanese nobility and an assassin of Galeazzo Maria Sforza, the Duke of Milan....

 and Carlo Visconti.

Olgiati was the political radical of the conspiracy, bearing no known grudge against the Duke, but rather acting out of Republic
A republic is a form of government in which the people, or some significant portion of them, have supreme control over the government and where offices of state are elected or chosen by elected people. In modern times, a common simplified definition of a republic is a government where the head of...

an ideals. He claimed in a subsequent confession that many of ideas were the product of studying under Cola Montano a Humanist educator
Humanism is an approach in study, philosophy, world view or practice that focuses on human values and concerns. In philosophy and social science, humanism is a perspective which affirms some notion of human nature, and is contrasted with anti-humanism....

 who had first suggested the assassination.

The Duke, although popular as a patron of the arts, was known to be somewhat of a tyrant in his rule and made many enemies through his reputation as a womaniser. Olgiati was soon involved in a conspiracy with Lampugnani and Visconti, two older officials who each had more personal reasons to assassinate the Duke.


On December 26, 1476, the three conspirators met at the church of Santo Stefano, the site where the assassination was to take place. It was also the Saint's day for Santo Stefano, a day chosen especially for this purpose. After praying for the saint's protection, the three waited, along with several supporters and the regular congregation, for the Duke's arrival.

The Duke arrived at the church with a customary procession. When it reached the part of the church where the assassins were, Lampugnani struck the first blow, soon joined by Visconti, Olgiati and a servant of Lampugnani's, all of whom were armed and wearing hidden armour. The Duke died during the attack and everyone - assassins included, quickly fled the church except for Lampugnani who was struck down.

The next day, however, Franzone
Franzone was a servant of the Lampugnani family of Milan, and a figure in the assassination of Galeazzo Maria Sforza, the Duke of Milan....

, the servant of Lampugnani was caught and gave up the identities of the other conspirators. Olgiati was apprehended on December 30, given up by, amongst others, his own father, who denounced his son as a traitor. After a summary confession, Olgiati was publicly executed on January 2, 1477 along with Franzone and Visconti. The bodies of these three men were torn from groin to neck and affixed to the gates of Milan as a warning to others; the heads separated and displayed on lances on the city's belltower.

According to Niccolò Machiavelli
Niccolò Machiavelli
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was an Italian historian, philosopher, humanist, and writer based in Florence during the Renaissance. He is one of the main founders of modern political science. He was a diplomat, political philosopher, playwright, and a civil servant of the Florentine Republic...

, Olgiati uttered the famous words, while being tortured, "Mora acerba, fama perpetua, stabit vetus memoria facti" (Death is bitter, but glory is eternal, the memory of my deed will endure).
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