Gilles Porte
Gilles Porte, born 11 May 1965 in Lyon
Lyon , is a city in east-central France in the Rhône-Alpes region, situated between Paris and Marseille. Lyon is located at from Paris, from Marseille, from Geneva, from Turin, and from Barcelona. The residents of the city are called Lyonnais....

The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

), is a director, screenwriter, cinematographer, and assistant cameraman.

He is a member of société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques (SACD), of société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique
Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique
Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique is a French professional association collecting payments of artists’ rights and distributing the rights to the original songwriters, composers and music publishers.-History:...

 (SACEM) and of l'association française des cinémas d'art et d'essai (AFCAE).


Since 1989, Gilles Porte became an assistant cameraman on the films of Jacques Audiard
Jacques Audiard
Jacques Audiard is a French film director, the son of Michel Audiard, also a notable screenwriter and film director.He won twice both the César Award for Best Film and the BAFTA Award for Best Film not in the English Language, in 2005 for The Beat That My Heart Skipped and in 2010 for A Prophet...

, Marcel Carné
Marcel Carné
-Biography:Born in Paris, France, the son of a cabinet maker whose wife died when their son was five, Carné began his career as a film critic, becoming editor of the weekly publication, Hebdo-Films, and working for Cinémagazine and Cinémonde between 1929 and 1933. In the same period he worked in...

, Raoul Ruiz
Raoul Ruiz
Raúl Ernesto Ruiz Pino was a Chilean filmmaker.Ruiz spent some years at the Catholic University of Santa Fe, Argentina's cinema school. Back in Chile, he directed his first feature film Tres tristes tigres in the late 1960s, winning the Golden Leopard at the Locarno Film Festival...

, Maroun Baghdadi, Patrice Chereau
Patrice Chéreau
Patrice Chéreau is a French opera and theatre director, filmmaker, actor, and producer.-Biography:Patrice Chéreau was born in Lézigné, Maine-et-Loire, and went to school in Paris. At a young age he became well-known to Parisian critics as director, actor, and stage manager of his high-school theatre...

, Costa-Gavras
Costa-Gavras, is a Greek filmmaker, who lives and works in France, best known for films with overt political themes, most famously the fast-paced thriller, Z...

, and Xavier Durringer, and cinematographer on films of Abbas Fahdel
Abbas Fahdel
Abbas Fahdel is an Iraqi-French film director, screenwriter and film critic, born in Babylon, Iraq.Based in France since the age of 18 years, he studied cinema at the Sorbonne University until Ph.D....

, John Lvoff, Christian Philibert, Xavier Durringer, Olivier Jahan, Pierre Javaux, Jilani Saadi, and others.

In 2003 he co-directed with Yolande Moreau
Yolande Moreau
Yolande Moreau is a Belgian comedienne, actress and film director.-Biography:She has won two César Awards for Best Actress, in 2005 for When the Sea Rises and in 2009 for Séraphine....

 his first feature film, Quand la mer monte ..., for which they received the 2005 César
César Award
The César Award is the national film award of France, first given out in 1975. The nominations are selected by the members of the Académie des arts et techniques du cinéma....

 for best first film and for Best Actress.


Director, screenwriter
  • 2005 : Quand la mer monte...

Director of photography
  • 2008 L'Aube du monde by Abbas Fahdel
    Abbas Fahdel
    Abbas Fahdel is an Iraqi-French film director, screenwriter and film critic, born in Babylon, Iraq.Based in France since the age of 18 years, he studied cinema at the Sorbonne University until Ph.D....

  • 2007 Ma vie n'est pas une comédie romantique by Marc Gibaja
  • 2006 Les Enfants du pays by Pierre Javaux
  • 2004 Quand la mer monte... with Yolande Moreau
    Yolande Moreau
    Yolande Moreau is a Belgian comedienne, actress and film director.-Biography:She has won two César Awards for Best Actress, in 2005 for When the Sea Rises and in 2009 for Séraphine....

  • 2004 Khorma le crieur de nouvelles by Jilani Saadi
  • 2003 Travail d'arabe by Christian Philibert
  • 2001 Petits Riens by Xavier Durringer
  • 2001 Faites comme si je n'étais pas là by Olivier Jahan
  • 1999 Les Infortunes de la beauté by John Lvoff
  • 1998 Play by Julien Favre
  • 1995 Music for the movies : The Hollywood sound by Joshua Waletzky
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