Giovanni Donato da Montorfano
Giovanni Donato da Montorfano (c. 1460 – 1502/1503) was an Italian
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

 painter who was born, lived, and worked in Milan
Milan is the second-largest city in Italy and the capital city of the region of Lombardy and of the province of Milan. The city proper has a population of about 1.3 million, while its urban area, roughly coinciding with its administrative province and the bordering Province of Monza and Brianza ,...


Giovanni Donato comes from a family of painters. His grandfather Abramo da Montorfano worked in the Milan Cathedral as a painter and was a member of the Milan painter's guild. The tradition was carried on by Giovanni Donato's father Alberto da Montorfano, who was also employed at the Milan Cathedral as a painter. Both Giovanni Donato and his brother Vincenzo were raised and taught by their father to continue on the family tradition of painting.

Giovanni Donato is best known for his fresco
Fresco is any of several related mural painting types, executed on plaster on walls or ceilings. The word fresco comes from the Greek word affresca which derives from the Latin word for "fresh". Frescoes first developed in the ancient world and continued to be popular through the Renaissance...

 of the Crucifixion
Crucifixion is an ancient method of painful execution in which the condemned person is tied or nailed to a large wooden cross and left to hang until dead...

 that is signed and dated 1495. The Crucifixion is now displayed at the Church and Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie
Santa Maria delle Grazie (Milan)
Santa Maria delle Grazie is a church and Dominican convent in Milan, northern Italy, included in the UNESCO World Heritage sites list...

 in Milan. It is displayed on the wall facing Leonardo Da Vinci's famous masterpiece the The Last Supper
The Last Supper (Leonardo)
The Last Supper is a 15th century mural painting in Milan created by Leonardo da Vinci for his patron Duke Ludovico Sforza and his duchess Beatrice d'Este...


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