Glasgow University Medico-Chirurgical Society
The University of Glasgow Medico-Chirurgical Society is a student society at the University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow
The University of Glasgow is the fourth-oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of Scotland's four ancient universities. Located in Glasgow, the university was founded in 1451 and is presently one of seventeen British higher education institutions ranked amongst the top 100 of the...

 which organises social and educational events for medical and nursing students at the University. The current President (2011-2012) is Rachel Dickinson.


Founded in 1802, Med-Chir is one of the University's oldest societies and, along with the Glasgow University Dialectic Society
Glasgow University Dialectic Society
The Glasgow University Dialectic Society, re-instituted in 1861, is a student society at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, committed to the promotion of debating, logic, ethics and literary discussion at the University...

 and Glasgow University Athletic Club
Glasgow University Sports Association
Glasgow University Sports Association is a student organisation at the University of Glasgow responsible for the promotion of sport, and to which sports teams at the University may affiliate.-History:...

, was instrumental in founding the Glasgow University Union
Glasgow University Union
Glasgow University Union is one of the largest and oldest students' unions in the UK, serving students and alumni of the University of Glasgow since 1885....

, with which it retains close ties.


As well as organising regular nights out throughout the year and the Medical Ball in November, in recent years the society has concentrated on excursions to other university towns for sporting competitions, and the thespians and musicians in the Medical School are encouraged to take part in the annual revue. Many illustrious former members maintain a link with the society and the Med-Chir tie has been spotted on more than a few occasions, notably when Sam Galbraith
Sam Galbraith
Samuel Laird "Sam" Galbraith is a Scottish Labour Party politician. He is a former Member of Parliament and a former Member of the Scottish Parliament....

 presented the Scottish Cup.


The archives for the University of Glasgow Medico-Chirurgical Society are maintained by the Archives of the University of Glasgow (GUAS)
Archives of the University of Glasgow
The Archives of the University of Glasgow maintain the historical records of the University of Glasgow back to its foundation in 1451. Its earliest record is a charter dating from 1304 for the lands of the earliest mention of record-keeping in the University is in 1490 when it is recorded in...

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