Gloria transita
Gloria transita is a 1917
1917 in film
The year 1917 in film involved some significant events.-Events:*Foundation of Universum Film AG , as a propaganda film company, in Berlin.*Technicolor System 1, a two-color process, is introduced...

The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...

 silent film
Silent film
A silent film is a film with no synchronized recorded sound, especially with no spoken dialogue. In silent films for entertainment the dialogue is transmitted through muted gestures, pantomime and title cards...

 directed by Johan Gildemeijer.


  • August Van den Hoeck - Ben Solotti
  • Henny Schroeder - Henny
  • Frederick Vogeding - Gaston
  • Eberhard Erfmann - Baron Villers
  • Nelly De Heer - Baron Viller's mother
  • Jacques Cauveren - Operazanger
  • Jan Feith - Lid van de Muzikale Club
  • Piet Fuchs - Misdadige vader van Henny
  • Johan Gildemeijer - Tennisspeler
  • Irma Lozin - Operazangeres
  • Wilhelmina van den Hoeck - Operazangeres
  • Jan van der Horst
  • Ernst Winar
    Ernst Winar
    Ernst Winar was a Dutch actor and film director. He appeared in 34 films between 1916 and 1955...

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