GNUPanel is a hosting control panel for Debian
Debian is a computer operating system composed of software packages released as free and open source software primarily under the GNU General Public License along with other free software licenses. Debian GNU/Linux, which includes the GNU OS tools and Linux kernel, is a popular and influential...

. It is written in PHP
PHP is a general-purpose server-side scripting language originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. For this purpose, PHP code is embedded into the HTML source document and interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module, which generates the web page document...

 and it is tailored to run on 32 and 64 bit Debian GNU/Linux web hosting servers.
The administrator can create public and private hosting plans, accept Paypal, Cuentadigital and Dineromail payments, send messages to users, create redirections, use an integrated support ticket system, control bandwidth, disk space and define policies for account suspension.
It provides the usual functions to create mail and FTP accounts, databases, directory security, etc. Additional functionality is included for domain parking and subdomain control over PHP directives including safe_mode and register_globals.
GNUPanel stores its configuration in a PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL, often simply Postgres, is an object-relational database management system available for many platforms including Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, MS Windows and Mac OS X. It is released under the PostgreSQL License, which is an MIT-style license, and is thus free and open source software...

 8.1 database and provides three web interfaces with SSL access. User, reseller and administrator accounts may be created.

Main features:
  • Subdomain administration
  • Parked domains
  • Mail accounts and redirections
  • FTP accounts
  • Directory security control
  • Mailing lists
  • PostgreSQL
    PostgreSQL, often simply Postgres, is an object-relational database management system available for many platforms including Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, MS Windows and Mac OS X. It is released under the PostgreSQL License, which is an MIT-style license, and is thus free and open source software...

     and MySQL
    MySQL officially, but also commonly "My Sequel") is a relational database management system that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. It is named after developer Michael Widenius' daughter, My...

     web administration
  • Bandwidth and disk space management
  • Website statistics
  • Support tickets
  • English and Spanish languages
  • Paypal payments support
  • Autoinstallation for Joomla, phpBB
    phpBB is a popular Internet forum package written in the PHP scripting language. The name "phpBB" is an abbreviation of PHP Bulletin Board...

    , WordPress
    WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and publishing platform powered by PHP and MySQL. It is often customized into a content management system . It has many features including a plug-in architecture and a template system. WordPress is used by over 14.7% of Alexa Internet's "top 1...

     and osCommerce
    osCommerce is an e-commerce and online store-management software program. It can be used on any web server that has PHP and MySQL installed. It is available as free software under the GNU General Public License.-History:...

  • Backup tool

Software and daemons:
  • Apache 2
    Apache HTTP Server
    The Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to as Apache , is web server software notable for playing a key role in the initial growth of the World Wide Web. In 2009 it became the first web server software to surpass the 100 million website milestone...

  • PowerDNS
    PowerDNS is a DNS server, written in C++ and licensed under the GPL. It runs on most Unix derivatives and on Microsoft Windows. PowerDNS features a large number of different backends ranging from simple BIND style zonefiles to relational databases and load balancing/failover algorithms...

  • Proftpd
  • Postfix
  • Courier-pop, Courier-pop-ssl
  • Courier-imap, Courier-imap-ssl
  • Courier-authdaemon
  • Squirrelmail
  • Mailman
  • PHP 5
  • PostgreSQL 8.1
  • MySQL 5
  • phpPgAdmin
    phpPgAdmin is a web application, written in PHP, for managing PostgreSQL databases.phpPgAdmin is a web-based client which leverages PHP scripting and the PostgreSQL database to provide a convenient way for users to create databases, create tables, alter tables and query their own data using...

  • phpMyAdmin
    phpMyAdmin is an open source tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL with the use of a Web browser. It can perform various tasks such as creating, modifying or deleting databases, tables, fields or rows; executing SQL statements; or managing users and...

  • Webalizer / AWStats statistics

See also

  • Baifox
    Baifox is a GPL lightweight control panel used by UNIX server administrators to configure and manage web servers. Whilst primarily tested with Debian, it also works with many other Linux distributions. Baifox is programmed in PHP and is accessible using a HTML and Javascript interface. It stores...

  • Cpanel
    cPanel is a Linux based web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a web site...

  • DirectAdmin
    DirectAdmin is a graphical web-based web hosting control panel designed to make administration of websites easier.- System requirements :DirectAdmin is compatible with several versions of Red Hat, Fedora Core, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, FreeBSD, Ubuntu and Debian.The following specifications...

  • Domain Technologie Control
    Domain Technologie Control
    Domain Technologie Control is a web hosting control panel aimed at providing a graphics-oriented layout for managing commercial hosting of web servers, intended for shared web hosting servers, virtual private servers , and dedicated servers. Domain Technologie Control is free software released...

  • ISPConfig
    ISPConfig is an open source hosting control panel for Linux. ISPConfig is licensed under BSD license. ISPConfig simplifies the complicated details of setting up DNS, multiple unique domain name websites on one physical server box, and e-mail accounts for multiple users on those websites.Setting up...

  • Kloxo
    Kloxo is a free, opensource web hosting control panel for the Red Hat and CentOS Linux distributions.Kloxo allows the host administrators to run a combination of lighttpd or Apache with djbdns or bind, and provides a graphical interface to switch between these programs without losing data...

     (formerly known as Lxadmin)
  • Plesk
    The Parallels Plesk Panel software package is a commercial web hosting automation program. Originally released under the U.S. company Plesk Inc. and designed in Novosibirsk, Russia, Plesk was acquired by SWSoft in July 2003...

  • SysCP
    SysCP is a software for administration of webservers based on and written in PHP and MySQL. It offers a web-based front end for customers of internet service providers, enabling them to manage their email addresses, domains and databases.The project was started in autumn 2003 by Florian Lippert...

  • Webmin
    Webmin is a web-based system configuration tool for Unix-like systems, although recent versions can also be installed and run on Windows. With it, it is possible to configure operating system internals, such as users, disk quotas, services or configuration files, as well as modify and control open...

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.