Goetheforschung is a German term originating in the 19th century for the Goethe Movement, centering on both amateur and academic study of the life of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a German writer, pictorial artist, biologist, theoretical physicist, and polymath. He is considered the supreme genius of modern German literature. His works span the fields of poetry, drama, prose, philosophy, and science. His Faust has been called the greatest long...

. Study and research is often done privately and facilitated through Goethe societies such as the Goethe-Institut
The Goethe-Institut is a non-profit German cultural institution operational worldwide, promoting the study of the German language abroad and encouraging international cultural exchange and relations. The Goethe-Institut also fosters knowledge about Germany by providing information on German...

. Such societies are dedicated to preserving the memory of Goethe in the public consciousness.
The name of no other German poet resonates in the public mind as much as Goethe's, and he is held in an esteem approaching that accorded to Shakespeare in the realm of literature, Michaelangelo, in sculpture, or Beethoven in musical composition. In the 19th century, Goetheforschung was associated with non-academic enthusiasts and collectors such as Woldemar von Biedermann
Woldemar von Biedermann
Gustav Woldemar Freiherr von Biedermann was a jurist, literary historian, and Goethe researcher.- Life and Work :...

 who sought personal betterment and enrichment through immersion in Goethe's life and works. In communist East Germany, Goetheforschung was upheld as part of the regime's conservative cultural policy (German: Kulturpolitik) promoting Weimar classicism
Weimar Classicism
Weimar Classicism is a cultural and literary movement of Europe. Followers attempted to establish a new humanism by synthesizing Romantic, classical and Enlightenment ideas...

 as the foundation of Germany's cultural heritage. In modern Germany and elsewhere, Goethe is often far better known than read.

Researchers have even paid intense attention to even Goethe's non-literary and incidental works, such as his scientific writings and everyday correspondence, as exemplified in the critical commentary to the 1950s Leopoldina complete edition of Goethe's works.

Notable Figures

  • Woldemar von Biedermann
    Woldemar von Biedermann
    Gustav Woldemar Freiherr von Biedermann was a jurist, literary historian, and Goethe researcher.- Life and Work :...

     (1817–1903), jurist and literary historian.
  • Rudolf Steiner
    Rudolf Steiner
    Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner was an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, architect, and esotericist. He gained initial recognition as a literary critic and cultural philosopher...

     (1861–1925), esoteric
    Esotericism or Esoterism signifies the holding of esoteric opinions or beliefs, that is, ideas preserved or understood by a small group or those specially initiated, or of rare or unusual interest. The term derives from the Greek , a compound of : "within", thus "pertaining to the more inward",...

  • Hans Gerhard Gräf (1864–1942), an editor of the authoritative Weimar complete edition of Goethe's work.
  • Hans Sachse (1906–1985), member of the Weimar Goethe-Gesellschaft.
  • Naoji Kimura (born 1934), lecturer at the Sophia University
    Sophia University
    There are several rankings below related to Sophia University.-General Rankings:The university was ranked 61st in 2010 in the ranking Truly Strong Universities by Toyo Keizai...

    , Tokyo.
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