Green Party of Florida
The Green Party of Florida is the state party organization for Florida
Florida is a state in the southeastern United States, located on the nation's Atlantic and Gulf coasts. It is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the north by Alabama and Georgia and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. With a population of 18,801,310 as measured by the 2010 census, it...

 of the Green Party of the United States
Green Party (United States)
The Green Party of the United States is a nationally recognized political party which officially formed in 1991. It is a voluntary association of state green parties. Prior to national formation, many state affiliates had already formed and were recognized by other state parties...



The Green Party of Florida was organized in 1992. At that time the State of Florida had a very stringent standard applied to what were considered minor party
Minor party
Minor party is a political party that play a smaller role than a major party in a country's politics and elections. The difference between minor and major parties can be so big that the membership total, donations, and the candidates that they are able to produce or attract are very distinct...

 candidates in elections. To have statewide ballot status, minor parties had to file a petition with at least 3% of all registered voters. To keep this status, they had to maintain a number of party members equal to 5% of all registered voters.

In 1998 state law concerning access to the state ballot was eased. In February 1999 the state legislature implemented changes allowing any party organized on a state basis to field candidates in elections. This allowed the Green Party and other parties to qualify to field candidates on the ballot. The Green Party has retained its statewide ballot status ever since.

The Florida Green Party has opposed the presence of nuclear power plants in Florida. In fact, the party intervened in the licensing process of the proposed Levy County Nuclear Power Plant
Levy County Nuclear Power Plant
The Levy County Nuclear Power Plant is the umbrella term for a proposed nuclear power plant in Levy County, Florida. Proposed in 2006, Progress Energy Florida announced the selection of in southern Levy County for the potential construction of nuclear reactors...

, which has yet to be built.

In April 2010 the Florida Green Party and the People's Lobby Coalition for Public Funding Only of All Elections held a public forum at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The purpose of the forum was to press for only public funding of elections. The Green Party was wanting corporate and special interest funding to be taken out of elections, thus making elections more fair and democratic.


The state organization has 2 co-chairs, a treasurer and a secretary. It has a number of committees. These include the Electoral Committee, the Bylaws Committee, the Fund-Raising Committee, the Media Committee, the Outreach Committee and the IT (information technology) Committee. The Electoral Committee helps persons wanting to become candidates and also asks potential candidates about their political views.

The Green Party has ten chapters, which usually are county chapters. The state organization constantly seeks to organize new local chapters.

The Florida Green Party is listed as an endorser organization of the Move to Amend. This organization, in its own words, is "dedicated to ending the illegitimate legal doctrines that prevent the American people from governing themselves."

Elected officials

Past and present elected officials from the Green Party include:
  • Kim O'Connor, Soil & Water District Commissioner, Ochlockonee River District 3 (Leon County) (2004-2006)
  • Cara Jennings, City Commission, Palm Beach District 2 (Lake Worth) (2006-2010)
  • Anita Stewart, Hillsborough County Soil & Water Conservation Board, Seat 5 (2010- )

External links

Green Party of Florida website,
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