Green Party of Pennsylvania
The Green Party of Pennsylvania is the state party organization for Pennsylvania
of the Green Party of the United States
. In June 2007, 31 Pennsylvania Greens held elected office, including Mathew Ash, the Mayor of Boswell
. According to state voter registration statistics, there are 17,762 green party members in the state.
In July 2007, the Green Party of Pennsylvania hosted the GPUS Annual National Meeting, in Reading
On 20 January 2008, party member Marty Qually was appointed to a three-year term as an alternate on the Gettysburg zoning hearing board.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is a U.S. state that is located in the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. The state borders Delaware and Maryland to the south, West Virginia to the southwest, Ohio to the west, New York and Ontario, Canada, to the north, and New Jersey to...
of the Green Party of the United States
Green Party (United States)
The Green Party of the United States is a nationally recognized political party which officially formed in 1991. It is a voluntary association of state green parties. Prior to national formation, many state affiliates had already formed and were recognized by other state parties...
. In June 2007, 31 Pennsylvania Greens held elected office, including Mathew Ash, the Mayor of Boswell
Boswell, Pennsylvania
Boswell is a borough in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, United States. It is part of the Johnstown, Pennsylvania Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 1,364 at the 2000 census.-Geography:...
. According to state voter registration statistics, there are 17,762 green party members in the state.
In July 2007, the Green Party of Pennsylvania hosted the GPUS Annual National Meeting, in Reading
Reading, Pennsylvania
Reading is a city in southeastern Pennsylvania, USA, and seat of Berks County. Reading is the principal city of the Greater Reading Area and had a population of 88,082 as of the 2010 census, making it the fifth most populated city in the state after Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Allentown and Erie,...
On 20 January 2008, party member Marty Qually was appointed to a three-year term as an alternate on the Gettysburg zoning hearing board.