Greg Haberny
Greg Haberny is an American filmmaker and artist based in New York. Known for his wild, radical and controversial style, Haberny's work is highly political and created using unconventional means.
Haberny’s works were recently exhibited in the Dusseldorf Quadrennial and included in exhibitions at the Katonah Art Museum
Katonah Museum of Art
The Katonah Museum of Art is a non-collecting institution geared towards visual arts, located in Katonah, New York. The museum presents changing exhibitions that cross a spectrum of artistic disciplines, cultures, and historical periods. With each exhibition, artists, curators, and other...

 (New York), Phillips De Pury
Phillips de Pury & Company
Phillips de Pury & Company is an auction house and art dealership, with offices in London, New York, Geneva, Berlin, Brussels, Los Angeles, Milan, Munich and Paris. Phillips conducts auctions in New York, London and Geneva in the areas of Contemporary Art, Photography, 20-21st Century Design, Art...

 auctions and numerous shows in cities including New York, Miami, San Francisco, Chicago, Toronto, Berlin, London and Tokyo. His work has been reviewed by Artforum
Artforum is an international monthly magazine specializing in contemporary art.-Publication:The magazine is published ten times a year, September through May, along with an annual summer issue...

, Artnet, Nylon, Juxtapoz, the Miami New Times and additional publications.
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