Groogleman is a young adult science fiction novel written by Debra Doyle
Debra Doyle
Dr. Debra Doyle is an American author writing in multiple related genres, including science fiction, fantasy, and mystery. Many of her stories are co-written with her husband, James D. Macdonald...

 and James D. Macdonald
James D. Macdonald
James D. Macdonald is an American author and critic who lives in New Hampshire with his wife and frequent collaborator, Dr. Debra Doyle. He works in several genres, concentrating on fantasy, but also writing science fiction, and mystery and media tie-ins.-Biography:Macdonald was born in 1954, and...

 and published by Harcourt in 1996. Set in a post-apocalyptic future, it is the story of 13-year-old Dan Henchard, who shows signs of an immunity to the deadly plague which threatens his village. Feeling that he may be destined to be a healer, he travels with his friend Leezie to "The Dead Lands," a plague-ravaged area, where they must face not only the plague, but the fearsome grooglemen, strange creatures who steal the heads of the plague victims. Groogleman was expanded from the short story, "Uncle Joshua and the Grooglemen," written by the same authors, which was first published in the 1993 anthology Bruce Coville's Book of Monsters
Bruce Coville's Book of Monsters
Bruce Coville's Book of Monsters is the first in a series of "Book of" anthologies edited by Bruce Coville. It was first published in September 1993 by Scholastic Publishing...


Groogleman was translated into French in 1998 and published by Hachette Livre
Hachette Livre
-France:*Calmann-Lévy*Deux Coqs d'Or*Disney Hachette Edition*EDICEF*Editions 1*Editions du Chêne**E.P.A*Éditions Dunod*Editions Foucher*Editions Stock*Fayard**Editions Mille et Une Nuits**Editions Mazarine**Pauvert*Gautier-Languereau*Grasset...

under the title La nuit des Hommogres (ISBN: 2012098185).
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