Gross Lengden
Gross Lengden is a village in the Gleichen
Gleichen, Lower Saxony
Gleichen is a municipality in the district of Göttingen, in Lower Saxony, Germany. Named after the two castles, Neuen-Gleichen and Alten-Gleichen on the twin peaks in the Gemeinde, it is situated about 10 km southeast of Göttingen, from which the peaks are visible...

 in the Göttingen district of Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony is a German state situated in north-western Germany and is second in area and fourth in population among the sixteen states of Germany...

, Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

, about ten kilometers east of Göttingen. It had 1,040 inhabitants as of 2005. The village lies at the foot of the hills leading to the Mackenröder Spitze
Mackenröder Spitze
The Mackenröder Spitze, at about , is the highest hill in the Göttingen Forest and lies on the boundary of the town and district of Göttingen, in South Lower Saxony in Germany.- Geography :...


The village's heart is characterized by small winding streets and well-preserved half-timbered houses. In two years running (1996, 1997), it won prizes for improved village appearance.

The earliest mention of the community is an AD 822
Year 822 was a common year starting on Wednesday of the Julian calendar.- Byzantine Empire :* The civil war between Byzantine Emperor Michael II and the general Thomas the Slav continues...

 chronicle of the Fulda Abbey, where it is referred to as "Lengidi" and "Lengithi.“


  • Das bietet Groß Lengden:

  • Gross Lengden:
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