Grupo Record
Grupo Record is the third largest media company in Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

, the company owns several television stations as the Rede Record
Rede Record
Rede Record de Televisão is a Brazilian television network, founded in 1953 by Paulo Machado de Carvalho, also founder of Rádio Record. Currently it is owned by businessman Edir Macedo, founder and bishop of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. Since 2007 it is Brazil's second largest...

 and Record News
Record News
Record News is the first 24-hour free-to-air terrestrial news channel in Brazil. It is owned by Rede Record.-History:In 1953, Rede Record de Televisão started as the second Brazilian TV channel . As the network completes 54 years, a new channel has been started by it. This is the first Brazilian...

, was founded in november 1989 and belongs to the businessman and bishop Edir Macedo
Edir Macedo
Edir Macedo Bezerra is a Brazilian religious leader. Macedo was raised Catholic, but by 1970 was a Pentecostal. He founded the "Neo-Pentecostal" Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil in 1977....


Grupo Record Companies

  • Rede Record
    Rede Record
    Rede Record de Televisão is a Brazilian television network, founded in 1953 by Paulo Machado de Carvalho, also founder of Rádio Record. Currently it is owned by businessman Edir Macedo, founder and bishop of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. Since 2007 it is Brazil's second largest...

     (The second largest television station in Brazil)
  • Record News
    Record News
    Record News is the first 24-hour free-to-air terrestrial news channel in Brazil. It is owned by Rede Record.-History:In 1953, Rede Record de Televisão started as the second Brazilian TV channel . As the network completes 54 years, a new channel has been started by it. This is the first Brazilian...

     (News channel launched in 2007)
  • Rede Familia (Religious channel)
  • Rede Aleluia
    Rede Aleluia
    The Rede Aleluia is 64 affiliated Brazilian radio stations network owned/rented by the UCKG in 22 of the 27 states, that cover 75% of the Brazilian territory mostly in southeastern region, and also there is a internet radio version on its site.-History:Rede Aleluia was created in 1995 with 19...

     {Religious channel)
    IURD TV is a Brazilian television channel headquartered in the city of Limeira, state of São Paulo, Brazil. It is a channel belonging to Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus and transmits church services 24 hours a day via internet and broadcast TV.- Channels :...

     (Religious channel)
  • Rádio Record
    Rádio Record
    Rádio Record is a Brazilian radio station based in São Paulo, Brazil. It is part of the Central Record de Comunicação and operates in the frequency 1000 kHz AM...

     (Radio station)
  • Rádio Guaíba {Radio station)
  • Rádio Sociedade {Radio station)
  • Correio do Povo
    Correio do Povo
    Correio do Povo is a Brazilian daily newspaper printed in the city of Porto Alegre, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The newspaper is owned by Grupo Record.- Past :...

  • Hoje em Dia (Newspaper)
  • R7
    R7 or R-7 may be:* Radial Road 7, a highway in the Philippines* R7 or R7A , a model of New York City Subway rolling stock manufactured from 1937 to 1938* R7 Quad, a golf club...

     (News portal)
  • Line Records
    Line Records
    Line Records is a Brazilian gospel record label and it belongs to Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. Was founded in Rio de Janeiro, in 1992 with the intent to tend the gospel music demand.-Artists:*Adilson Silva*Adriana Ferreira*Adriana Marques...

     (Gospel Record label
    Record label
    In the music industry, a record label is a brand and a trademark associated with the marketing of music recordings and music videos. Most commonly, a record label is the company that manages such brands and trademarks, coordinates the production, manufacture, distribution, marketing and promotion,...

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