Guaicamacuto class patrol boat

The Guaicamacuto class patrol vessels is a class of offshore patrol vessels or BVL in Venezuelan Navy service for patrol duty in economic exclusive zone. The contract for the BVL and POVZEE
Caribbean class patrol boat
The Guaiquerí class patrol vessels are a class of ocean patrol vessels or POVZEE in Venezuelan Navy service...

 was signed together on the November 25, 2005. The last vessel
Tamanaco, would be constructed locally at Venezuelan Dams Astilleros Nacionales (DYANCA) in Puerto Cabello, Venezuela
Venezuela , officially called the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , is a tropical country on the northern coast of South America. It borders Colombia to the west, Guyana to the east, and Brazil to the south...


Ships of class

Name Pennant Laid Down Launched Commissioned
Guaicamacuto GC-21 16-Oct-2008 02-Mar-2010
Yaviré GC-22 unknown 11-Mar-2009 29-Jan-2011
Naiguatá GC-23 unknown 24-Jun-2009 1-Mar-2011
Tamanaco GC-24 unknown unknown unknown

External links

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