Guatemalan CID card
Tarjeta de Identificación Consular Guatemalteca (TICG) is Guatemala's
Guatemala is a country in Central America bordered by Mexico to the north and west, the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, Belize to the northeast, the Caribbean to the east, and Honduras and El Salvador to the southeast...

 consular identification card also known as the Guatemalan CID card
Consular identification card
Consular identification cards are issued by some governments to their citizens who are living in foreign countries. They are not certifications of legal residence within foreign countries, so CID card holders could be legal or illegal aliens. Issuing travel documents and passports are some of...

. Guatemala began issuing this card in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 in August 2002 following the lead of the Mexican government's foreign consular agents in the U.S. who began lobbying U.S. states, municipalities and financial institutions to accept the Mexican CID card in March 2002.

Unlike Mexico's CID card application process, Guatemala requires a valid Guatemalan passport which is checked against Guatemala’s
central passport database system. Guatemala's passport requires two fingerprints and a photograph and signature.

Bank on California
Bank on California
Bank on California is an initiative started by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on December 12, 2008, to help Californians open a bank account. The program seeks to encourage financial institutions to relax identification requirements when opening a bank account to include Mexican CID...

, a program launched by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger is an Austrian-American former professional bodybuilder, actor, businessman, investor, and politician. Schwarzenegger served as the 38th Governor of California from 2003 until 2011....

 in December 2008, encourages financial institutions to accept the Mexican CID, Guatemalan CID and other CID cards as primary identification for opening bank accounts.

External links

Información de la Tarjeta de Identificación Consular Guatemalteca -TICG- Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, República de Guatemala Guatemala Tarjeta de Identificación Consular Información Sin Fronteras (ISF)
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