Gustav Falke


Falke was born in Lübeck
The Hanseatic City of Lübeck is the second-largest city in Schleswig-Holstein, in northern Germany, and one of the major ports of Germany. It was for several centuries the "capital" of the Hanseatic League and, because of its Brick Gothic architectural heritage, is listed by UNESCO as a World...

 to merchant Johann Friedrich Christian Falke and his wife Elisabeth Franziska Hoyer. The historians Johannes and Jacob von Falke were his uncles, translator Otto Falke his cousin.

He worked in a bookstore in Hamburg since 1868, then moved to Essen
- Origin of the name :In German-speaking countries, the name of the city Essen often causes confusion as to its origins, because it is commonly known as the German infinitive of the verb for the act of eating, and/or the German noun for food. Although scholars still dispute the interpretation of...

, Stuttgart
Stuttgart is the capital of the state of Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany. The sixth-largest city in Germany, Stuttgart has a population of 600,038 while the metropolitan area has a population of 5.3 million ....

, and Hildburghausen
Hildburghausen is a town in Thuringia in central Germany, capital of the district Hildburghausen. It is situated on the river Werra, 20 km south of Suhl, and 25 km northwest of Coburg....

. He returned to Hamburg in 1878, where he was educated in music by Emil Krause to become a piano teacher. In 1888 he married his former piano student Anna Theen. They had two daughters and a son.

Falke started to publish his works in the 1890s and was introduced into the Hamburg literaty society around Otto Ernst, Jakob Löwenberg, Emil von Schoenaich-Carolath, and Detlev von Liliencron
Detlev von Liliencron
Baron Detlev von Liliencron born Friedrich Adolf Axel Detlev Liliencron was a German lyric poet and novelist from Kiel, the son of Louis Freiherr von Liliencron and Adeline von Harten....

. Much of his work was impressionistic lyric poetry
Lyric poetry
Lyric poetry is a genre of poetry that expresses personal and emotional feelings. In the ancient world, lyric poems were those which were sung to the lyre. Lyric poems do not have to rhyme, and today do not need to be set to music or a beat...

 inspired by Liliencron, Richard Dehmel
Richard Dehmel
Richard Fedor Leopold Dehmel was a German poet and writer.- Life :...

, and Paul Heyse. He also wrote conservative, "folk" pieces, following Eduard Mörike
Eduard Mörike
Eduard Friedrich Mörike was a German Romantic poet.-Biography:Mörike was born in Ludwigsburg. His father was Karl Friedrich Mörike , a district medical councilor; his mother was Charlotte Bayer...

 and Theodor Storm
Theodor Storm
Hans Theodor Woldsen Storm , commonly known as Theodor Storm, was a German writer.-Life:Storm was born in Husum, at the west coast of Schleswig than an independent duchy and ruled by the king of Denmark...

. He also wrote children's books in rhyme and prose. With the advent of World War I
World War I
World War I , which was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its occurrence until 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter, was a major war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918...

, he volunteered to write war propaganda as well, for which he was awarded the Prussia
Prussia was a German kingdom and historic state originating out of the Duchy of Prussia and the Margraviate of Brandenburg. For centuries, the House of Hohenzollern ruled Prussia, successfully expanding its size by way of an unusually well-organized and effective army. Prussia shaped the history...

n Roter Adlerorden.

Falke died in Hamburg
-History:The first historic name for the city was, according to Claudius Ptolemy's reports, Treva.But the city takes its modern name, Hamburg, from the first permanent building on the site, a castle whose construction was ordered by the Emperor Charlemagne in AD 808...



  • Aus dem Durchschnitt, Berlin 1892
  • Mynheer der Tod und andere Gedichte, Dresden u.a. 1892
  • Tanz und Andacht, München 1893
  • Harmlose Humoresken, München 1894
  • Der Kuß, München 1894
  • Zwischen zwei Nächten, Stuttgart 1894
  • Landen und Stranden, Berlin
    • 1. Hamburger Kinder, 1895
    • 2. Neben der Arbeit, 1895
    • 3. Hab ich nur deine Liebe, 1901
  • Zwei, 1896
  • Neue Fahrt, Berlin 1897
  • Der Mann im Nebel, Hamburg 1899
  • Mit dem Leben, Hamburg 1899
  • Gustav Falke als Lyriker, Hamburg 1900
  • Vogelbuch, Hamburg 1901 (zusammen mit Otto Speckter)
  • Katzenbuch, Hamburg 1900 (zusammen mit Otto Speckter)
  • Hohe Sommertage, Hamburg 1902
  • Putzi, Hamburg 1902
  • Aus Muckimacks Reich, Hamburg 1903
  • Zwischengerichte, Leipzig 1903
  • Der gestiefelte Kater, Hamburg 1904
  • Ausgewählte Gedichte, Hamburg 1905
  • Bübchens Weihnachtstraum. Melodramatisches Krippenspiel. Musik (1906): Engelbert Humperdinck
    Engelbert Humperdinck
    Engelbert Humperdinck was a German composer, best known for his opera, Hänsel und Gretel. Humperdinck was born at Siegburg in the Rhine Province; at the age of 67 he died in Neustrelitz, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.-Life:After receiving piano lessons, Humperdinck produced his first composition...

    . UA 1906
  • Eichendorff, Berlin u.a. 1906
  • En Handvull Appeln, Hamburg 1906
  • Timm Kröger, Hamburg 1906
  • Frohe Fracht, Hamburg 1907
  • Heitere Geschichten, Berlin u.a. 1907
  • Drei gute Kameraden, Mainz 1908
  • Hamburg, Stuttgart u.a. 1908
  • Die Kinder aus Ohlsens Gang, Hamburg 1908
  • Dörten und andere Erzählungen, Leipzig 1909
  • Ein lustig Jahr der Tiere, München 1909 (zusammen mit Th. Huggenberger)
  • Tierbilder, Mainz (zusammen mit Eugen Osswald)
    • 1 (1909)
    • 2 (1909)
  • Winter und Frühling, Leipzig 1909
  • Die Auswahl, Hamburg 1910
  • Geelgösch, Leipzig u.a.] 1910
  • Klaus Bärlappe, Mainz 1910
  • Der Spanier, Berlin 1910
  • Drei Helden, Mainz 1911 (zusammen mit Arpad Schmidhammer)
  • Das Schützenfest. Im Fischerdorf, Reutlingen 1911
  • Unruhig steht die Sehnsucht auf, Hamburg u.a.] 1911
  • Gesammelte Dichtungen, Hamburg u.a.
    • 1. Herddämmerglück, 1912
    • 2. Tanz und Andacht, 1912
    • 3. Der Frühlingsreiter, 1912
    • 4. Der Schnitter, 1912
    • 5. Erzählende Dichtungen, 1912
  • Herr Henning oder Die Tönniesfresser von Hildesheim, Leipzig 1912
  • Die neidischen Schwestern, Berlin 1912
  • Der Schnitter, Hamburg 1912
  • Die Stadt mit den goldenen Türmen, Berlin 1912
  • Anna, Hamburg 1913
  • Herr Purtaller und seine Tochter, Mainz 1913
  • Kunterbunt, Mainz 1914 (zusammen mit Eugen Osswald)
  • Vaterland heilig Land, Leipzig 1915
  • Viel Feind, viel Ehr, Leipzig 1915
  • Das Leben lebt, Berlin 1916


  • Holger Drachmann
    Holger Drachmann
    Holger Henrik Herholdt Drachmann , was a Danish poet and dramatist. He is an outstanding figure of the Modern Break-Through....

    : Verschrieben, Leipzig 1904 (übersetzt zusammen mit Julia Koppel)
  • John Brymer mit Zeichnungen von Stewart Orr: Zwei lustige Seeleute, Köln am Rhein 1905 Original: Two Merry Mariners


  • Steht auf ihr lieben Kinderlein, Köln 1906 (herausgegeben zusammen mit Jakob Loewenberg)
  • Friedrich Hebbel: Meine Kindheit, Hamburg 1903
  • Das Büchlein Immergrün, Cöln 1903
  • Kriegsdichtungen, Hamburg
    • 1. Hoch, Kaiser und Reich!, 1914
    • 2. Unsere Helden, 1915
    • 3. Wir und Österreich, 1915
    • 4. Zu Wasser und zu Lande, 1915
    • 5. Feinde ringsum, 1915
    • 6. Von Feld zu Feld, 1915
    • 7. Fern vom Krieg, 1916
    • 8. Zum blutig frohen Reigen, 1917

German language

  • Oscar Ludwig Brandt: Gustav Falke. Enoch Verlag, Hamburg 1917.
  • Friedrich Castelle: Gustav Falke. Ein deutscher Lyriker. Hesse und Becker, Leipzig 1909.
  • Joachim Müller (Hrsg.): Die Akten Gustav Falke und Max Dauthendey, Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 1970 (= Aus dem Archiv der Deutschen Schillerstiftung; 15/16)
  • Kurt Oppert: Gustav Falke. Darstellung seiner Persönlichkeit und Formanalyse seiner Gedichte nach allgemeinen Gesichtspunkten und im Vergleich zu andersartiger Lyrik. Dissertation, Universität, Bonn 1925.
  • Jens Resühr: Verskunstprobleme in der Lyrik Gustav Falkes. Hamburg 1967.
  • Ernst Ludwig Schellenberg: Gustav Falke. Verlag für Literatur, Kunst und Musik, Leipzig 1908 (= Beiträge zur Literaturgeschichte; H. 55)
  • Heinrich Spiero: Gustav Falke. Ein Lebensbild. Westermann, Braunschweig 1928.
  • Gerhard Steiner: Stille Dächer, zarte Liebe. Die Jugendzeit des Dichters Gustav Falke in Hildburghausen. Verlag Frankenschwelle Salier, Hildburghausen 1994, ISBN 3-86180-024-1.

External links

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