HMS Coquette
Six ships of the Royal Navy
Royal Navy
The Royal Navy is the naval warfare service branch of the British Armed Forces. Founded in the 16th century, it is the oldest service branch and is known as the Senior Service...

 have borne the name HMS Coquette. A seventh was ordered but never completed:
was a 28-gun sixth rate captured from the French in 1783 and in service in 1785. was a 20-gun sixth rate launched in 1807 and sold in 1817.
  • HMS Coquette was to have been an 18-gun corvette
    A corvette is a small, maneuverable, lightly armed warship, originally smaller than a frigate and larger than a coastal patrol craft or fast attack craft , although many recent designs resemble frigates in size and role...

    . She was ordered in 1835 and cancelled in 1851. was a wooden screw gunvessel launched in 1855 and broken up in 1868. was a composite screw gunboat
    A gunboat is a naval watercraft designed for the express purpose of carrying one or more guns to bombard coastal targets, as opposed to those military craft designed for naval warfare, or for ferrying troops or supplies.-History:...

     launched in 1871 and sold in 1889. was a D class
    D class destroyer (1913)
    The D class as so named in 1913 was a heterogeneous group of torpedo boat destroyers built for the Royal Navy in the mid-1890s. They were all constructed to the individual designs of their builder, John I. Thornycroft & Company of Chiswick, to meet Admiralty specifications...

    In naval terminology, a destroyer is a fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance warship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet, convoy or battle group and defend them against smaller, powerful, short-range attackers. Destroyers, originally called torpedo-boat destroyers in 1892, evolved from...

     launched in 1897 and sunk in 1916. was an Algerine class
    Algerine class minesweeper
    The Algerine-class was a class of minesweepers of the Royal Navy and the Commonwealth. 110 ships of the class were launched between 1942 and 1944 and served in World War II....

    Minesweeper (ship)
    A minesweeper is a small naval warship designed to counter the threat posed by naval mines. Minesweepers generally detect then neutralize mines in advance of other naval operations.-History:...

    launched in 1943 and scrapped in 1958.
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