HNoMS Vale
Three ships of the Royal Norwegian Navy
Royal Norwegian Navy
The Royal Norwegian Navy is the branch of the Norwegian Defence Force responsible for naval operations. , the RNoN consists of approximately 3,700 personnel and 70 vessels, including 5 heavy frigates, 6 submarines, 14 patrol boats, 4 minesweepers, 4 minehunters, 1 mine detection vessel, 4 support...

 have borne the name HNoMS Vale, after Váli
Váli (son of Odin)
In Norse mythology, Váli is a son of the god Odin and the giantess Rindr. He was birthed for the sole purpose of killing Höðr as revenge for Höðr's accidental murder of his half-brother, Baldr. He grew to full adulthood within one day of his birth, and slew Höðr...

, son of the god Odin
Odin is a major god in Norse mythology and the ruler of Asgard. Homologous with the Anglo-Saxon "Wōden" and the Old High German "Wotan", the name is descended from Proto-Germanic "*Wodanaz" or "*Wōđanaz"....

 and the giantess Rindr
Rindr or Rinda is a female character in Old Norse mythology, alternatively described as a giantess, a goddess or a human princess from the east...

  • HNoMS Vale (1843) was a schooner.
  • HNoMS Vale (1874) was a Vale-class Rendel gunboat built for the Royal Norwegian Navy
    Royal Norwegian Navy
    The Royal Norwegian Navy is the branch of the Norwegian Defence Force responsible for naval operations. , the RNoN consists of approximately 3,700 personnel and 70 vessels, including 5 heavy frigates, 6 submarines, 14 patrol boats, 4 minesweepers, 4 minehunters, 1 mine detection vessel, 4 support...

     at Karljohansvern
    Karjohansvern in Horten was the main base for the Royal Norwegian Navy from 1819 to 1963.It was first called Hortens verft, and later Marinens Hovedværft until King Oscar I named it Carljohansværn værft in 1854...

     Naval Yard in 1874.
  • HNoMS Vale (N53)
    HNoMS Vale (N53)
    HNoMS Vale was a Royal Norwegian Navy minelayer. Vale was built by Mjellem & Karlsen in Bergen in 1978. Her sister ship is . Vale was named after Odin's son Vale from Norse mythology. Vale was given to the Latvian Navy in 2003...

     was minlayer built in 1978, and sold to the Latvian Navy in 2003.
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