HaDerekh LeEin Harod
HaDerekh LeEin Harod was a 1990 Israel
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...

i film, adapted from Amos Kenan's dystopian novel, describing a future civil war in Israel. The title refers to the journey of the protagonist to Kibbutz Ein Harod
Ein Harod
Ein Harod was a kibbutz in Israel. It was located in northern Israel near Mount Gilboa. It is notable for being built near the battlefield of Ayn Jalut , a battle of huge macro-historical importance where the Mongols were defeated for the first time, in 1260.-History:The kibbutz was founded by...


The film was directed by Doron Eran
Doron Eran
Doron Eran is an Israeli filmmaker, producer, entrepreneur, writer and film director. He was born in Tel Aviv on 20 June 1955. His first production, HaPnimiya won recognition and appreciation among viewers and critics, paving the way for Eran's further activity in the Israeli film industry.A well...

 and starred Tony Peck (Gregory Peck
Gregory Peck
Eldred Gregory Peck was an American actor.One of 20th Century Fox's most popular film stars from the 1940s to the 1960s, Peck continued to play important roles well into the 1980s. His notable performances include that of Atticus Finch in the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird, for which he won an...

's son, in his first starring role), Alessandra Mussolini
Alessandra Mussolini
Alessandra Mussolini is an Italian politician, the granddaughter of Benito Mussolini, and previously an actress and model...

, and Arnon Zadok. It was filmed in Israel but shot in English and aimed at an international market; funding primarily came from European and American investors.

The film was panned by The Jerusalem Post upon its release: "This should be politically meaningful...But it is impossible to take anything in this picture seriously, when everything is so blatantly fake and clumsy."
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