Hacio is a Welsh language
Welsh language
Welsh is a member of the Brythonic branch of the Celtic languages spoken natively in Wales, by some along the Welsh border in England, and in Y Wladfa...

 current affairs
Current affairs (news format)
Current Affairs is a genre of broadcast journalism where the emphasis is on detailed analysis and discussion of news stories that have recently occurred or are ongoing at the time of broadcast....

 television programme for young people which has been broadcast since 2000. It is produced by ITV Cymru (formerly HTV) and broadcast on Tuesday nights on S4C
S4C , currently branded as S4/C, is a Welsh television channel broadcast from the capital, Cardiff. The first television channel to be aimed specifically at a Welsh-speaking audience, it is the fifth oldest British television channel .The channel - initially broadcast on...

 and aims to address issues and illustrate stories of interest to young people from all parts of Wales and beyond.

Hacio is produced almost entirely by a young crew of journalists who research, shoot and edit their own material. The material for the programme is often but not always gathered on lightweight DVCAM cameras, typically the Sony DSR-500 or HVR-Z1E, and edited on-line using desktop editing software called Avid.

Using an experienced in-house trainer, the programme gives young journalists a comprehensive introduction to factual TV programme-making and helps enable them to expand and develop their careers in broadcasting. Several Hacio "graduates" have used the skills gained on the programme to their advantage and have moved on to higher profile programmes such as Y Byd ar Bedwar
Y Byd ar Bedwar
Y Byd ar Bedwar is a Welsh-language current affairs television programme, which has broadcast on S4C since the channel was launched in 1982. Produced by ITV Wales, the programme has a reputation for hard-hitting, investigative journalism of the highest standard.- Production team :*Editor: Geraint...

(The World on Four) and programmes made by other, national broadcasters such as the BBC
The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster. Its headquarters is at Broadcasting House in the City of Westminster, London. It is the largest broadcaster in the world, with about 23,000 staff...


Production team

  • Editor: Geraint Evans
  • Producer: Branwen Thomas
  • Reporters: Lisa Haf, Helen Davies, Owain Phillips
    Owain Phillips
    Owain Phillips is a journalist for the Welsh language current affairs TV programme Hacio. He has interviewed many high profile people on a variety of subjects and has been compared to a young Jeremy Paxman for his ability to fluster an interviewee....

    , Thomas Morgan and Jobe Bruzas
  • Production Support Co-ordinator: Julie Gapper
  • Multi-skilled Production Co-ordinator: Chris Ware

External links

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