Halle Flat
Halle Flat is a relatively flat area just southward of Coxcomb Peak
Coxcomb Peak
Coxcomb Peak is a dolerite elevation which overlooks the south end of Plumstead Valley in the Allan Hills, Victoria Land. It was reconnoitered by the New Zealand Antarctic Research Program Allan Hills Expedition who gave the name because of the jaunty appearance of the feature in profile....

 in the Allan Hills
Allan Hills
The Allan Hills are group of hills, mainly ice free and about long, lying just north-west of Coombs Hills near the heads of Mawson Glacier and Mackay Glacier in Oates Land and Victoria Land, Antarctica. They were mapped by the New Zealand party of the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition and...

, Victoria Land
Victoria Land
Victoria Land is a region of Antarctica bounded on the east by the Ross Ice Shelf and the Ross Sea and on the west by Oates Land and Wilkes Land. It was discovered by Captain James Clark Ross in January 1841 and named after the UK's Queen Victoria...

. Reconnoitered by the New Zealand Antarctic Research Program (NZARP) Allan Hills Expedition, 1964. They gave the name after Thore G. Halle whose pioneering work (1913) on Antarctic fossil plants forms part of the scientific reports on Otto Nordenskjold's Swedish Antarctic Expedition
Swedish Antarctic Expedition
The Swedish Antarctic Expedition was led by Otto Nordenskjöld and Carl Anton Larsen.-Background:Otto Nordenskjöld, a Swedish geologist and geographer, organized and lead a scientific expedition of the Antarctic Peninsula...

of 1901-04.
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