Hammer City Roller Girls
The Hammer City Roller Girls is a roller derby
Roller derby
Roller derby is a contact sport played by two teams of five members roller skating in the same direction around a track. Game play consists of a series of short matchups in which both teams designate a scoring player who scores points by lapping members of the opposing team...

 league based in Hamilton, Ontario
Hamilton, Ontario
Hamilton is a port city in the Canadian province of Ontario. Conceived by George Hamilton when he purchased the Durand farm shortly after the War of 1812, Hamilton has become the centre of a densely populated and industrialized region at the west end of Lake Ontario known as the Golden Horseshoe...

. Founded in 2006, the league currently consists of two mixed teams which compete against teams from other leagues.

The league was founded in January 2006, and played its first bout in July, attracting almost 1,000 fans to what was described as "the region's first roller derby in decades". In 2009, Hammer City became one of the first two Canadian leagues accepted into the Women's Flat Track Derby Association
Women's Flat Track Derby Association
The Women's Flat Track Derby Association is an association of women's flat track roller derby leagues in the United States. The organization was founded in April 2004 as the United Leagues Coalition but was renamed in November 2005. It is registered in Raleigh, North Carolina as a 501 business...



When the league was first formed, there were three home teams: The Death Row Dames, The Hamilton Harlots and The Steeltown Tank Girls. In early 2011 Hammer City reorganized the league structure, keeping the Harlots as a secondary travel team to the charter Eh! Team, which competes in the WFTDA North Central Region.

WFTDA Results

Season Q4 ranking Regionals Championship
WFTDA Championships
The WFTDA Championships are the leading competition for roller derby leagues.The Championships are organised by the Women's Flat Track Derby Association . They originated in 2006 as the National WFTDA Championship...

2009 17 N/A N/A
2010 18 N/A N/A
2011 TBA N/A N/A
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