Harlequin Rabbit
The Harlequin is a popular colourful breed of rabbit originating from Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

. It is a breed based around the colouration, rather than fur type. The ideal weight of a standard Harlequin is 6-8lb (2-3kg).

The traditional Harlequin is part black (no silvering) and part orange (the brighter the better). It should have an even mix of both colours and ideally have a half and half colour on the head. Their colouration may also be called Magpie where the second colour is white rather than orange. The recognised colour patterns are:
  • Black Harlequin
  • Blue Harlequin
  • Brown Harlequin
  • Lilac Harlequin
  • Black Magpie
  • Blue Magpie
  • Brown Magpie
  • Lilac Magpie

It is recognised by both the British Rabbit Council
British Rabbit Council
The British Rabbit Council is a showing organisation for rabbit lovers all over the UK. The rabbit is Britain's third most popular pet.-Structure:...

 and American Rabbit Breeders' Association
American Rabbit Breeders' Association
The American Rabbit Breeders Association is a national club for domestic rabbit and cavy breeders. The ARBA is headquartered in Bloomington, Illinois in the United States...

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