Harz Mountain Run
The Harz Mountain Run is a mountain run, that has taken place since 1978 in October in Wernigerode
Wernigerode is a town in the district of Harz, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Until 2007, it was the capital of the district of Wernigerode. Its population was 35,500 in 1999....

 in central German and since 1990 has had a marathon route known as the Brocken Marathon, in its programme. Other competitions include a 22 km run and an 11 km run. In 2007 a 5 km run was offered for the first time that started at the same time as the 11 km run. The event attracts several thousand participants, e.g. in 2004 there were 3,110 runners who finished, including 695 men and 73 women in the marathon.

Marathon route

The marathon run follows a circular route during which the highest mountain in the Harz, the Brocken (1,141 m), has to be climbed. Start and finish are in the Wernigeröde district of Hasserode
Hasserode has been a quarter in the town of Wernigerode since 1907, a town in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt.- Location :Hasserode lies at the foot of the Harz Mountains in the valley of the River Holtemme, whose upper reaches include the water cascade of the Steinerne Renne...

. The route entails climbing a total of 1,150 metres in height.
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