Hatano Hideharu
Hatano Hideharu is the eldest son of Hatano Harumichi and the head of Hatano clan.

He was a son of Harumichi but for some unknown reason, he was adopted as a son by Hatano Motohide. Hatano clan had, from Hideharu's grandfather Hatano Tanemichi, a retainer of the powerful Miyoshi clan
Miyoshi clan
The Miyoshi clan is a Japanese family descended from Emperor Seiwa and the Minamoto clan . They were a cadet branch of the Ogasawara clan and the Takeda clan....

 and Miyoshi Nagayoshi and Hideharu had been Miyoshi's retainer as well. The reason that such a minor clan as his had attended the Emperor Ogimachi's coronation was believed to be because he had been under Nagayoshi.

Hideharu became independent on 1565 after Nagayoshi died capturing Yagami Castle which he took as the place of residence.

The Hatano clan, however, was situated in the pass of Oda Nobunaga
Oda Nobunaga
was the initiator of the unification of Japan under the shogunate in the late 16th century, which ruled Japan until the Meiji Restoration in 1868. He was also a major daimyo during the Sengoku period of Japanese history. His opus was continued, completed and finalized by his successors Toyotomi...

 to Kyoto
is a city in the central part of the island of Honshū, Japan. It has a population close to 1.5 million. Formerly the imperial capital of Japan, it is now the capital of Kyoto Prefecture, as well as a major part of the Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto metropolitan area.-History:...

 and after several battles, Hideharu surrendered to Akechi Mitsuhide
Akechi Mitsuhide
, nicknamed Jūbei or called from his clan name and title, was a samurai who lived during the Sengoku period of Feudal Japan.Mitsuhide was a general under daimyo Oda Nobunaga, although he became infamous for his betrayal in 1582, which led to Nobunaga's death at Honno-ji...

. On 1576, Hideharu declared independence and turned against Nobunaga. Infuriated Nobunaga again ordered Mitsuhide to invade Tamba Province
Tamba Province
was an old province of Japan. The ambit of its borders encompassed both the central part of modern Kyoto Prefecture and the east-central part of Hyōgo Prefecture. It was sometimes called , with Tango Province...

 but Hideharu took stand in the castle and held together for three years.

It is written in a record kept by Oda clan
Oda clan
The was a family of Japanese daimyo who were to become an important political force in the unification of Japan in the mid-16th century. Though they had the climax of their fame under Oda Nobunaga and fell from the spotlight soon after, several branches of the family would continue on as daimyo...

 that Mitsuhide then offered his mother as a hostage to let Hideharu surrender with dignity and Hideharu complied knowing that he could not hold out indefinitely. However, after arriving at Azuchi Castle
Azuchi Castle
' was one of the primary castles of Oda Nobunaga. It was built from 1576 to 1579, on the shores of Lake Biwa, in Ōmi Province. Nobunaga intentionally built it close enough to Kyoto that he could watch over and guard the approaches to the capital, but, being outside the city, his fortress would be...

 to offer an apology, Hideharu was executed by Nobunaga. His troops in Yagami Castle, after hearing that Hideharu had been executed, killed Mitsuhide's mother. This incident strained the relationship between Nobunaga and Mitsuhide to eventually culminating in Mitsuhide killing Nobunaga at Honnō-ji
is a temple of the Nichiren branch of Buddhism located in Kyoto, Japan. Its honzon is mandara-honzon from Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.-History:...

in 1582. However, there is little evidence that such events had happened and it is questionable that Mitsuhide would offer such questionable truce. Yet with Hideharu's death, no one rose to hold together the Hatano clan and it disappeared completely.
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