Heaving line bend
The heaving line bend is a quick and simple knot
A knot is a method of fastening or securing linear material such as rope by tying or interweaving. It may consist of a length of one or several segments of rope, string, webbing, twine, strap, or even chain interwoven such that the line can bind to itself or to some other object—the "load"...

 that is used to attach playing strings to the thick silk eyes of the anchorage knot. It is knot number 1462 in the Ashley Book of Knots.

Tying steps

  1. Insert the string through the bight
    Bight (knot)
    In knot tying, a bight is a curved section, slack part, or loop between the two ends of a rope, string, or yarn. The term is also used in a more specific way when describing Turk's head knots, indicating how many repetitions of braiding are made in the circuit of a given knot.-Slipped knot:In order...

    , well down from the bight tip.
  2. Go around the bight and cross above the string on the back side.
  3. Finish by tucking the end between its turn around the first bight leg and that leg; pull tight.
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