Heinrich von Brandt
Heinrich von Brandt was a Prussia
Prussia was a German kingdom and historic state originating out of the Duchy of Prussia and the Margraviate of Brandenburg. For centuries, the House of Hohenzollern ruled Prussia, successfully expanding its size by way of an unusually well-organized and effective army. Prussia shaped the history...

n general and military author.

Military career

He studied law in Berlin. In 1807, he joined the army. The Peace of Tilsit made him a subject of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, and as such he fought in the War of the Fifth Coalition
War of the Fifth Coalition
The War of the Fifth Coalition, fought in the year 1809, pitted a coalition of the Austrian Empire and the United Kingdom against Napoleon's French Empire and Bavaria. Major engagements between France and Austria, the main participants, unfolded over much of Central Europe from April to July, with...

 in Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

 and Napoleon's invasion of Russia. At the Battle of Leipzig
Battle of Leipzig
The Battle of Leipzig or Battle of the Nations, on 16–19 October 1813, was fought by the coalition armies of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden against the French army of Napoleon. Napoleon's army also contained Polish and Italian troops as well as Germans from the Confederation of the Rhine...

, he was wounded and captured by the Russians, who forced him into the Polish army. In 1816, he entered the Prussian army and became a member of the general staff. He took part in the Polish revolts of 1831
November Uprising
The November Uprising , Polish–Russian War 1830–31 also known as the Cadet Revolution, was an armed rebellion in the heartland of partitioned Poland against the Russian Empire. The uprising began on 29 November 1830 in Warsaw when the young Polish officers from the local Army of the Congress...

 and 1848, the latter of which he helped to suppress. He retired from the army in 1857 with the rank of general of infantry.

Political service

He was elected a member of the Prussian Upper Chamber in 1849 and of the Erfurt Parliament in 1850.


Von Brandt is most notable for his writings, chief of which are:
  • Geschichte des Kriegswesens (Berlin, 1830-35)
  • Grundzüge der Taktik der drei Waffen (1883)
  • Der kleine Krieg (2d ed, 1850)
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